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最编程 2024-03-09 19:52:54
L2F Layer Two Forwarding [Cisco]
L2TP Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
LADDR Layered Device Driver Architecture [Microsoft]
LALL Longest Allowed Lobe Length
LAN Local Area Network
LANACS Local Area Network Asynchronous Connection Server
LANDP LAN Distributed Platform
LANE Local Area Network Emulation
LANG Language
LAPB Link Access Procedure Balanced (protocol)
LAPD Link Access Procedure on the D-Channel (protocol)
LAPM Link Access Procedure for Modems
LAR Load Access Rights
LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LASTport Local Area Storage Transport (protocol) [DEC]
LAT Local Access Terminal +
Local Area Transport [DEC]
LATA Local Access and Transport Area
LAVC Local Area VAX Cluster
LAWN Local Area Wireless Network
LB Left Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)
LBA Logical Block Addressing
LBL Label
LBR Librarian
.LBR Library (file name extension)
LBT Listen Before Talk
LBX Local Bus Accelerator
LCA Lotus Communications Architecture [Lotus]
LCC Leadless Chip Carrier
LCD Liquid Crystal Display + Lowest Common Denominator
LCF Low Cost Fiber
LCK Library Construction Kit [Microsoft FoxPro]
LCP Link Control Protocol
LCR Least Cost Routing + Line Control Register
LCSD Laminate Chip Signal Diode
LCU Last Cluster Used
LDA Logical Device Address
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [IBM]
LDC Lotus Development Corporation
LDDS Long Distance Discount Services (company)
LDM Long Distance Modem
LDT Local Descriptor Table
LE Less or Equal
LEA Load Effective Address
LEAF Law Enforcement Access Field
LEC Local Area Network Emulation Client +
Local Exchange Carrier
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEL Link, Embed and Launch-to-edit [Lotus]
LEM Language Extension Module
LEN Low Entry Networking
LEO Low Earth Orbit
LES Local Area Network Emulation Server
.LET Letter (file name extension)
LEX Lexicon
LF Line Feed
LFAP Lightweight Flow Admission Protocol
LFI Last File Indicator
LFN Long File Name
LFT Low Function Terminal [IBM]
LFU Least Frequently Used
LGA Leadless Grid Array
LGDT Load Global Descriptor Table
LIAS Library Information Access System
.LIB Library (file name extension)
LIC Line Interface Coupler [IBM]
LICS Lotus International Character Set [LDC]
LIDT Load Interrupt Descriptor Table
LIEP Large Internet Exchange Packet [Novell]
LIF Low Insertion Force
LIFO Last In, First Out
LILO Last In, Last Out
LIM Lotus/Intel/Microsoft
LIMA Lotus/Intel/Microsoft/AST
LIMDO Light Intensity Modulation Direct Overwrite
LIMM Light Intensity Modulation Method
LIMS Library Information Management System
LINUX (Operating system named after Linus Torvalds)
LIP Large Internet Packet
LIPS Lightweight Internet Person Schema +
Logical Inferences Per Second
LISP List Processing (Language)(See HLL)
LISTSERV List Server [Internet]
LIU LAN Interface Unit
LIW Long Instruction Word
LLC Logical Link Control
LLDT Load Local Descriptor Table
LLF Low Level Format
LMB Left Mouse Button
LMBCS Lotus Multi-Byte Character Set [Lotus]
LMD Last Modification Date
LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service
LMI Link/Local Management Interface
LMS Lotus Messaging Switch [Lotus]
LMSW Load Machine Status Word
LMU LAN Management Utilities [IBM] +
LAN Manager for Unix
LN Load Number + Logarithm (Natural)
LN:DI Lotus Notes:document Imaging
LNK Link
LOB Line of Business
LOC Lines Of Code + Loop On-Line Control
LOCIS Library of Congress Information System
LOD Level Of Detail
LODSB Load String Byte
LOG Logarithm (Base 10)
LOGO (Programming Language)(See HLL)
LON Local Operating Network
LOOPE Loop while Equal
LOOPNE Loop while Not Equal
LOOPNZ Loop while Not Zero
LOOPZ Loop while Zero
LORE Line Oriented Editor
LPAR Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning
LPC Local Procedure Call
LPD Line Printer Daemon (protocol) [Berkley]
LPI Lines Per Inch
LPL Lotus Programming Language [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]
LPM Lines Per Minute
LPN Logical Page Number
LPR Line Printer Remote
LPS Low-Power Schottky
LPT Line Printer
LPT1 First Parallel Printer Port
LPT2 Second Parallel Printer Port
LPT3 Third Parallel Printer Port
LQ Letter Quality
LQM Link Quality Monitoring (protocol)
LR Link Register
LRC Local Register Cache +
Longitudinal Redundancy Check
LRL Least Recently Loaded
LRM Language Reference Manual + Least Recently-Used Master
.LRS Language Resource (file name extension) [WordPerfect]
LRU Least Recently Used
LSA LAN and SCSI Adapter [IBM] + Line Sharing Adapter +
Local Security Authority [Microsoft]
LSAPI License Services Application Program Interface
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSC Least Significant Character
LSD Least Significant Digit
LSI Large Scale Integration
LSL Link Support Layer + Load Segment Limit
LST List
.LST List (file name extension)
LTO Linear Tape Open
LTR Left-To-Right + Letter + Load Task Register
LU Logical Unit (Also LUN)
LUA Logical Unit Application (interface)
LUI Local User Input
LUIS Library User Information Service
LUN Logical Unit Number
LUT Lookup Table
LV Logical Volume [IBM]
LVDS Low-Voltage Differential Signaling
LVM Logical Volume Management [IBM]
LW Lazy Write
.LYR Lyrics (music file name extension)
LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch (algorithm)
mA Milliampere
MAC Macintosh (Apple Macintosh Computer) +
Media/Medium Access Control +
Message Authentication Code
MAC * Multiple Access Computers
.MAC MacPaint (file name extension) +
Macro (file name extension)
MACH Multilayer Actuator Head [Epson]
MADE Manufacturing and Automated Design Engineering
MADYMO Mathematical Dynamic Modeling [TNO]
MAE Merit Access Exchange + Metropolitan Area Ethernet
MAGMA Minimal Architecture for Generalized Markup Applications
mAh Milliampere-Hour
MAI Multiple Applications Interface
.MAI Mail (file name extension)
MAJC Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing [Sun]
MAN Manual [Unix] + Metropolitan Area Network
MANIAC * Mathematical Analyzer Numerical
Integrator and Computer
MANPAGE Manual Page [Unix]
MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedures +
Manufacturing Automation Protocol +
Memory Allocation Map
.MAP Linker Map (file name extension)
MAPI Mail/Messaging Applications Programming
Interface [Microsoft]
MAPICS Manufacturing, Accounting and Production
Information Control System [IBM]
MARC Machine Readable Cataloging +
Multi-Technology Automated Reader Card
MARVEL Machine-Assisted Realization of the Virtual
Electronic Library [Library of Congress]
MASM Macro Assembler [Microsoft]
MASS Maximum Availability and Support
Subsystem [Parallan]
MAT Maintenance Access Terminal
MAU Media Access/Adapter Unit + Multistation Access Unit
MAVDM Multiple Application VDM
MAX Maximum
MB Megabyte (1,024 kilobytes) +
Middle Button (of 3 button Mouse)
MBASIC Microsoft BASIC [Microsoft]
MBCS Multi-Byte Character Set [IBM]
MBONE Multicast Backbone [Internet]
MBps Megabytes Per Second
Mbps Megabits Per Second
MBR Master Boot Record
MBX Mailbox
MCA Micro Channel Adapter/Architecture [IBM]
MCAD Mechanical Computer Aided Design
MCB Memory Control Block
MCF Meta Content Framework
MCGA Multicolor Graphics Array
MCI MCI Communications Corp. (name from initials of
original company - Microwave Communications, Inc.) +
Media Control Interface [Microsoft]
MCL Microsoft Compatibility Labs [Microsoft]
MCM Multi-Chip Module
MCNE Master Certified Novell Engineer [Novell]
MC-PGA Metallized Ceramic - Pin Grid Array
MCPS Microsoft Certified Product Specialist [Microsoft]
MC-QFP Metallized Ceramic - Quad Flat Pack
MCR Modem Control Register
MCSD Microsoft Certified Systems Developer [Microsoft]
MCSE Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer [Microsoft]
MCU Microcontroller Unit + Multi-Chip Unit [DEC] +
Multipoint Control Unit
MD Make Directory + Mini Disk [Sony] + Monochrome Display
MDA Monochrome Display Adapter +
Multidimensional Analysis
MDDBMS Multidimensional Data Base Management System
.MDF Menu Definition File (file name extension)
MDI Memory Display Interface +
Multiple document Interface
MDIC Manchester Decoder and Interface Chip [AT&T]
MDK Multimedia Developers Kit [Microsoft]
MDLP Mobile Data Link Protocol
MDR Minimum Design Requirement
MDY Month Day Year
.ME Opening Information (file name extension) (As in READ.ME)
MEB Memory Expansion Board
MEG Megabyte
MEM Memory
.MEN Menu (file name extension)
MERCI Multimedia European Research Conferencing Integration
MES Manufacturing Execution System
MESI Modified, Exclusive, Shared and Invalid (protocol)
MET Memory Enhancement Technology [Hewlett-Packard]
.MET Metafile (file name extension)
MFC Microsoft Foundation Class [Microsoft]
MFFS Microsoft Flash File System [Microsoft]
MFI Multifunction Interpreter
MFIOP Multifunction I/O Processor
MFLOPS Million Floating Point Operations Per Second
MFM Modified Frequency Modulation
MFP Multi-Function Peripheral/Product
MFPI Multifunction Peripheral Interface
MFS Macintosh File System [Macintosh] +
Magnetic Tape Field Search + Memory File System
Modified Filing System [Revelation Technologies]
MFT Master File Table +
Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks
MGA Monochrome Graphics Adapter
MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol
MGE Modular GIS Environment
MGET Multiple Get [Unix]
MGML Minimal Generalized Markup Language
MGR Manager
MHS Message Handling Service + Message Handling System
MHz Megahertz
MI Management Interface
MIB Management Information Base
MIC Message Integrity Check
MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MICRO One-millionth
MICS Macro Interpretive Commands
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIF Management Information Format
.MIF Management Information Files (file name extension)
MIG Metal In Gap
MII Microsoft/IBM/Intel
MIL Machine Interface Layer [Go Corporation] +
.MIL Military (Domain name) [Internet]
MIM Map Image Metafile + Metal-Insulator-Metal (screen)
MIMD Multiple Instruction Multiple Data Stream (processor)
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension [Internet]
MI/MIC Mode Indicate/Mode Indicate Common
MIN Minimum + Mobile Identification Number
MIND Microsoft Internet Developer [Microsoft]
MINUET Minnesota Internet Users Essential Tools [Internet]
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
MIS Management Information System +
Multimedia Information Sources [Internet]
MISC Miscellaneous
MIX Member Information Exchange
MKDIR Make Directory
ML Machine Language + Meta Language
MLAPI Multilingual Application Programming Interface
MLC Multilayer Ceramic +
Multilevel Cell (program) [Internet]
MLE Multi-Line Editor
MLID Multi-Link Interface Driver
MLM Mailing List Manager [Internet]
MLPPP Multilink PPP
MM Minutes + Month
MMA Microcomputer Managers Association
MMC Matched Memory Cycle + Microcomputer Marketing Council +
Microsoft Management Console [Microsoft]
MMCD MultiMedia Compact Disk
MMCX Multimedia Communication Exchange [Lucent Technologies]
MMI Man-Machine Interface
MMIS Materials Manager Information System
MMPM Multi Media Presentation Manager
MMU Memory Management Unit
MMVF Multimedia Video File [NEC]
MMX Matrix Manipulation Extensions [Intel] +
Multimedia Extensions
MNOS Metal Nitride Oxide Semiconductor
MNP Microcom Networking Protocol [Microcom]
.MNU Menu (fine name extension)
MO Magneto-Optical (disk drive)
MOB Memory-Order Buffer
MOBO Mother Board
MOD Module + Modulus
MODEM Modulator Demodulator
MOHLL Machine Oriented High Level Language
MOLAP Multidimensional On-Line Analytical Processing
MOM Manufacturing Operations Management +
Message-Oriented Middleware +
Microsoft Office Manager [Microsoft]
MONET Multiwavelength Optical Networking
MONO Monaural
MOO MUD, Object Oriented [Internet]
MOP Maintenance Operations Protocol
MOPS Million Operations Per Second
MOS Magneto-Optic Storage + Mean Opinion Score +
Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOTD Message Of The Day
MOV Metal Oxide Varistor + Move
MOVS Move String
MP Massively Parallel (processing) + Multiple Processors
MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3
MPC Multimedia Personal Computer + Multipath Channel
MPCS Mission Planning and Control Station (Software)
MPE Multiple Programming Executive [HP]
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
MPI Message Passing Interface + Multiprecision Integer
MPM Message Passing Library [IBM]
MPMD Multiple Processor/Multiple Data
MPOA Multi-Protocol over Asynchronous-Transfer-Mode
MPP Massively Parallel Processing +
Message Posting Protocol + Message Processing Program
MPQP Multi-Protocol Quad Port [IBM]
MPR Multipart Repeater + Multi Protocol Router [Novell]
MPS Multiprocessor Specification
MPTN Multi-Protocol Transport Network
MPTS Multi-Protocol Transport Services
MPU Microprocessor Unit
MQI Messaging and Queuing Interface [IBM]
MR Magneto Resistive + Modem Ready
MRCF Microsoft Realtime Compression Format
MRCI Microsoft Realtime Compression Interface
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRM Most Recently-Used Master
MRO Multi-Region Operation
MRP Materials Requirement Planning
MRPL Main Ring Path Length
MRS Media Recognition System
MRT Mean Repair Time
MRU Maximum Receive Unit
MS Memory System + Message Store + Microsecond +
Microsoft Corporation + Millisecond
MSACM Microsoft Audio Compression Manager [Microsoft]
MSAU Multi-Station Access Unit
MSAV Microsoft Anti Virus [Microsoft]
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSBF Mean Swaps Between Failures
MSCDEX Microsoft Compact Disc Extensions [Microsoft]
MSCHAP Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol [Microsoft]
MSD Mass Storage Device + Most Significant Digit +
Microsoft System Diagnostics [Microsoft]
MSDE Microsoft Data Engine
MSDN Microsoft Developer Network [Microsoft]
MS-DOS Microsoft - Disk Operating System [Microsoft]
MSDR Multiplexed Streaming Data Request
MSDS Microsoft Developer Support [Microsoft]
MSFR Minimum Security Function Requirements [IBM]
MSG Message
.MSG Program Message (file name extension)
MSI Medium Scale Integration
MSIE Microsoft Internet Explorer [Microsoft]
MSL Map Specification Library + Mirrored Server Link
MSMQ Microsoft Message Queue-Server [Microsoft]
MSN Microsoft Network [Microsoft]
MSO Multiple-Systems Operator
.MSP Microsoft Paint (file name extension) [Microsoft]
MSRP Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price
MSS Mass Storage System +
Multiprotocol Switched Services [IBM]
MSTS Microsoft Terminal Server [Microsoft]
MSW Machine Status Word
MTA Message Transfer Agent + Multiple Terminal Access
MTBB Mean Time Between Breakdowns
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTBJ Mean Time Between Jams
MTF Microsoft Tape Format [Microsoft] +
Modulation Transfer Function
MTRP Maximum Transfer Rate Performance
MTS Message Transfer Service/System +
Microsoft Transaction Server [Microsoft] +
Multichannel Television Sound
MTST Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter [IBM]
MTT Multi-Transaction Timer
MTTD Mean Time To Diagnose
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
MUA Mail User Agent
MUD Multi-User Dialogue/Dimension/Domain/Dungeon [Internet]
MUL Multiply
MULTICS Multiplexed Information and Computing Service
MUMPS Massachusetts General Hospital Utility
Multi-Programming System (Programming Language)
MUSE Multi-User Shared Environment
MUT Monitor Under Test
MUX Multiplexer
mV Millivolt
MVB Multimedia Viewer Book
MVC Multimedia Viewer Compiler
MVDM Multiple Virtual DOS Machines
MVGA Monochrome Video Graphics Array
MVIP Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol
MVP Multimedia Video Processor
MVS Multiple Virtual Storage
MVT Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks
MX Mail Exchanger [Internet]
MXS Microsoft Exchange Server [Microsoft]
MZR Multiple Zone Recording
NAC Network Adapter Card
NACD National Association of Computer Dealers
NACS National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors
NAE Not Above or Equal
NAK Negative Acknowledgment
NAM Number Assignment Module
NAMPS Narrow-Band Analog Mobile Phone Service [Motorola]
NAND Not And
NANO One thousand-millionth
NAP Network Access Point
NAPLPS North American Presentation Level Protocol
Syntax (graphics)
NAS Network Access Server + Network Application Support [DEC] +
Network Attached Storage

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers
Automatic Quotation
NASI NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface [Novell]
NASIRC NASA Automated Systems Internet Response Capability
NASKER NASA Ames Kernel (benchmark)
NAT Network Address Translators

NAU Network Addressable Unit
NAWS Negotiate About Window Size
NBE Not Below or Equal
NBI Nothing But Initials
NBMA Non-Broadcast Multi Access
NBS Narrowband Socket + National Bureau of Standards +
Numeric Backspace
NC Network Computer + No Carry + Numerical Control
NCA Network Communications Adapter +
Network Computing Architecture [Oracle]
NCC Network Control Center
NCD Network Computing Device
.NCF Netware Command File [Novell]
NCGA National Computer Graphics Association
NCIC National Crime Information Center
NCMT * Numerical Control for Machine Tools
NCOS Network Computer Operating System
NCP NetWare Core Protocol + Not Copy Protected +
Network Control Processor/Program/Protocol
NCR National Cash Register (Company)
NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications
NCSC National Computer Security Center
NCSI Network Communications Services
Interface [Network Products Corp.]
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
NDDK Network Device Development Kid [Microsoft]
NDEF Not to be Defined
NDIS Network Device/Driver Interface Specification
NDL Network Data Language
NDMP Network Data Management Protocol
NDN Non-Delivery Notice
NDP Numeric Data Processor
NDR Network Data Representation
NDRO Non-Destructive Read Out
NDS NetWare Directory Service [Novell]
.NDX Index (file name extension)
NEC Nippon Electric Company
NED NASA Extragalactic Database [NASA]
NEG Negative + Negate
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEP Network Entry Point
NES National Education Supercomputer
NEST Novell Embedded Systems Technology [Novell]
.NET Networks (Domain Name) [Internet]
NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System [IBM]
NetBEUI NetBIOS Extended User Interface [IBM]
NETMON Network Monitor
.NEW New Information (file name extension)
NEWS NetWare Early Warning System [Frye Computer] +
Network Extensible Window System
NEWS. Current events [USENET Newsgroup Category]
NEXT Near-End Crosstalk
NFF No Fault Found
NFS Network File System [Sun]
NG No Good
NGE Not Greater or Equal
NGI Next-Generation Internet
NHC National Hurricane Center
NHR National Handwriting Recognition
NHRP Next Hop Resolution Protocol
N/I Non-Interlaced
NIA Next Instruction Address
NIC Network Information Center [Internet] +
Network Interface Card +
Numeric Intensive Computing
NICAD Nickel-Cadmium
NICOLAS Network Information Center OnLine Aid System [NASA]
NID New Interactive Display [NEC] + Next ID
NII National Information Infrastructure
NIM Network Installation Management [IBM]
NIMH Nickel-Metal Hydride
NIO Native Input/Output
NIPS Network I/Os Per Second
NIR Network Information Retrieval
NIS Network Information Service [Unix]
N-ISDN Narrowband ISDN + National ISDN
NISO National Information Standards Organization
NISP Networked Information Services Project
NIST National Institute for Standards and Technology
NITC National Information Technology Center
NIU Network Interface Unit
NJE Network Job Entry (protocol) [IBM]
NL New Line
NLE Not Less or Equal
NLM NetWare Loadable Module [Netware]
NLP Natural-Language Processing
NLQ Near Letter Quality
NLSFUNC National Language Support Function
NLV National Language Version [IBM]
NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt
NMM NetWare Management Map [NetWare]
NMOS Negative Channel Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
NMP Network Management Protocol [AT&T]
NMS Network Management System [Novell]
NN Network Node + No News [Internet]
NNI Network to Network Interface
NNM Network Node Manager
NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol [Internet]
NOC Network Operations Center
.NOM Individual with Personal Site (Domain Name) [Internet]
NOP No Operation
NOR Not Or
NOS Network Operating System
NPA Network Printer Alliance + Numbering Plan Area
NPI Network Printer Interface
NPL Nonprocedural Language
NPS Novell Productivity Specialist [Novell]
NPT Non-Programmable Terminal
NPTN National Public Telecomputing Network
NPU Natural Processing Unit
NPX Numeric Processor Extension
NQS Network Queuing System [Cray]
NRC National Research Council (Canada)
NREN National Research and Education Network
NRM Network Resource Manager
NRZ Not Return to Zero
NRZI Non Return to Zero Inverted
NS Nanosecond (one-billionth of a second) +
National Semiconductor (as in Ns16550 UART) +
Network Supervisor + Non S
NSAP Network Service Access Point
NSAPI Netscape Server API [Netscape]
NSA POLY National Security Agency Polygraph
NSERC National Sciences and Engineering Research Council
NSF National Science Foundation
NSFNET National Science Foundation Network
NSI NASA Science Internet
NSLOOKUP Name Server Lookup [Unix]
NSM Netscape Server Manager [Netscape]
NSP Native Signal Processing [Intel] + Network Service
NSSC NASA Standard Spacecraft Computer
NSTC National Science and Technology Council
NSTL National Software Testing Labs
NT New Technology [Microsoft]
NT-1 Network Terminator Type 1
NTAS NT Advanced Server [Microsoft]
NTF No Trouble Found
NTFS New Technology File System [Microsoft]
NTIA National Telecommunications and
Information Administration
NTIS National Technical Information Service
NTP Network Time Protocol
NTRAS NT Remote Access Services [Microsoft]
NTSA NetWare Telephony Services Architecture [Novell]
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
NTU Network Termination Unit
NUI Network User Identification +
Network User Interface +
Notebook User Interface [Go Corporation]
NUL Null + (dummy device) + (no device)
NUMA Non-Uniform Memory Access
NV No Overflow
NVM Non-Volatile Memory
NVOD Near-Video On Demand
NVP Nominal Velocity of Propagation
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
NVT Network Virtual Terminal +
Novell Virtual Terminal [Novell]
NWS NetWare Web Server [Netware]
NYM Anonymous
OAB One-to-All Broadcast
OAD Open Architecture Driver [Bernoulli]
OAG Official Airline Guide + Online Air Guide
OAI Open Applications Interface
OAS One-to-All Scatter
OBD On Board Diagnostics
OBEX Object Exchange [Borland]
OBJ Object
OC Optical Carrier
OCE Open Collaborative Environment [Apple]
OCF Objects Components Framework [Borland]
OCL Operation Control Language + Operator Control Language
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OCS On-Card Sequencer
OCX OLE Custom Control
ODA Open document Architecture
ODAPI Open Database Application Programming
Interface [Borland]
ODBC Object-Oriented Database Connectivity +
Open Data Base Connectivity [Microsoft]
ODBMS Object-Oriented Database Management System (also
see OODMS)
ODI Open Datalink Interface [Novell] +
Open Device Interconnect [NetWare]
ODIF Open document Interchange Format
ODL Object Definition Language
ODM Object Data Manager [IBM] +
Optimized Distribution Model [Compaq]
ODMA Open document Management API
ODP Open Distributed Processing
ODS Open Data Services [Microsoft] +
Operational Data Store
ODSI Open Directory Service Interface [Microsoft]
ODT Open Desk
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEP Operand Execution Pipeline
OF Overflow Flag
OFB Output Feedback (mode)
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OFMT Output Format for Numbers
OFS Object File System [Microsoft] + Output Field Separator
OFX Open Financial Exchange
OH Off Hook
OHCI Open Host Controller Interface
OIDL Object Interface Definition Language
OIS Office Information System
OLAP On-Line Analytical Processing
OLCP On-Line Complex Processing
.OLD Old version (file name extension)
OLE Object Linking and Embedding [Microsoft]
OLGA On-Line Guitar Archive
OLI Optical Line Interface [AT&T]
OLMC Output Logic Macrocell
OLSP On-Line Service Provider
OLTP On-Line Transaction Processing
OM Object Manager
OMA Object Management Architecture [Microsoft]
OME Open Messaging Environment (protocol)
OMF Object Module Format [Microsoft] +
Open Media Framework + Open Message Format
OMG Object Management Group
OMI Open Messaging Interface [Lotus]
OML Object Manipulation Language
OMR Optical Mark Recognition
ONC Open Network Computing [Sun]
ONDS Open Network Distribution Services [IBM]
ONE Open Network Environment [Netscape]
ONMS Open Network Management System
ONU Optical Network Unit
OOB Out Of Band
OODB Object-Oriented Database
OODMS Object-Oriented Database Management System (also
see ODBMS)
OOL Object-Oriented Language
OOOS Object-Oriented Operating System
OOPL Object-Oriented Programming Language
OOPS Object Oriented Programming and Systems
OOS Object-Oriented Systems +
Off-line Operating Simulator
OOT Object-Oriented Technology
OOUI Object Oriented User Interface
OP Operation + Optical + Output
OPAC Online Public Access Catalog [Internet]
OPC Organic/Optical Photoconductor
OPCODE Operational Code
OPD Operand
OPI Open Prepress Interface
OPM Operations Per Minute
OPS Open Profiling Standard + Operations
OPT Open Protocol Technology
.OPT Options (file name extension)
OPUS Octal Program Updating System
OQL Object Query Language
ORACLE On-Line Inquiry and Report Generator (UNIX DB program)
ORB Object Request Broker [Microsoft]
ORDVAC * Ordnance Variable Automatic Computer
.ORG Non-Profit Organizations (Domain name) [Internet]
ORI Online Retrieval Interface
.ORI Original (file name extension)
OROM Optical Read-Only Memory
ORS Output Record Separator
OS Operating System
OS/2 Operating System/2 [IBM]
OSA Open scripting/System Architecture
OSD Open Software Description/Distribution
OSE Office Server Extensions [Microsoft]
OS/E Operating System/Environment
OSF Open Software Foundation
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OSM Off-Screen Model
OSP On-Screen Programming + Optical Storage Processor
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
OSQL Object Structured Query Language
OSR2 OEM Service Release 2 [Microsoft]
OSS Open Source Software
OT Object Technology
OTA Operation-Triggered Architecture
OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
OTF Open Token Foundation
OTP One-Time Programmable
OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier
OURS Open Users Recommended Solutions
.OUT Outlines (file name extension)
OUTS Output String
OV Overflow
OVAL Object-Based Virtual Application Language [Psion]
.OVL Program Overlay (file name extension)
.OVR Program Overlay (file name extension)
OWL Object/Open Windows Library [Borland]
P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences Project
PAB Personal Address Book
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PACE Priority Access Control Enabled [3Com]
PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System
PACS-L Public Access Computer Systems List [Internet]
PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler
PADS Pen Application Development System [Slate Corporation]
PAIH Public-Access Internet Host [Internet]
PAIS Public-Access Internet Site [Internet]
.PAK Packed (compressed file name extension) [NoGate
PAL Paradox Applications Language [Borland] +
Phase Alternating Line + Programmed Array Logic +
Programming Assembly Language
.PAL Palette (file name extension)
PALC Plasma-Addressed Liquid Crystal (display)
PALS Principles of the Alphabet Literacy System
PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation
PAN Personal Area Network [GTE]
PAP Packet-level Procedure +
Password Authentication Protocol +
Printer Access Protocol
PAR Personal Animation Recorder + Parallel
PARA Paragraph
PARC Palo Alto Research Center [XEROX]
PA-RISC Precision Architecture-RISC [HP]
.PAS PASCAL source code (file name extension)
PASCAL (Programming Language named for Blaise Pascal)
.PAT Patch + Pattern (file name extensions)
PATN Promotional Port Access Telephone Number
PAX Portable Archive Exchange [Unix]
PB Petabyte (1,024 terabytes)
(One Million Billion characters of information)
PBA Printed Board Assembly
PBE Prompt By Example
PBGA Plastic Ball Grid Array
PBX Private Branch Exchange
PC Personal Computer + Printed Circuit + Program Counter
PCACIAS Personal Computer Automated Calibration Interval
Analysis System
PCB Printed Circuit Board + Program Control Block
PCBC Plain/Propagating Cipher Block Chaining
PCD Photo Compact Disk
PC-DOS Personal Computer - Disk Operating System [IBM]
PCEB PCI to EISA Bridge [Intel]
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect/Interface
PCIC PC-Card Interrupt Controller
PC-I/O Program Controlled I/O
PCL Printer Command Language [HP] + Process Control Language
PCM Personal Computer Manufacturer +
Printer Cartridge Metric [HP] +
Pulse Code Modulation
PCMA Paired Carrier Multiple Access
PCMC PCI, Cache, Memory Controller [Intel]
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCMIM Personal Computer Media Interface Module
PCN Personal Computer Network
PCNFS Personal Computer Network File System
PCO Point of Control and Observation
PCS Patchable Control Store +
Personal Communication Services/System +
Personal Conferencing Specification +
Planning Control Sheet + Print Contrast Signal +
Process Control Systems + Program Counter Store +
Project Control System
PCT Private Communications Technology
.PCT Picture (file name extension)
.PCX Picture Image (file name extension)
PD Phase-Change Dual + Public Domain
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
.PDB Pilot Database (file name extension) [Palm Pilot]
PDC Primary Domain Controller
PDD Physical Device Driver + Portable Digital document
PDF Package Definition File + Portable document Format +
Portable document File + Processor Defined Function +
Program Development Facility
.PDF Printer Description (file name extension)[Borland,Lotus]
PDH Plesiosynchronous Digital Hierarchy
PDIAL Public Dialup Internet Access List [Internet]
PDL Page Description Language + Program Description Language
+ Program Design Language
PDM Product Data Management
PDN Public Data Network
PDO Portable Distributed Objects [Next]
PDP Parallel Data Processing + Plasma Display Panel +
Programmable Data Processor +
(DEC Computer System Designation, i.e. PDP-8, PDP-11)
PDS Packet Driver Specification + Partitioned Data Set +
Planetary Data System + Portable document Software +
Processor Direct Slot [Macintosh]
PDSS Post Development and Software Support
PDT Performance Diagnostic Tool [IBM] +
Programmable Drive Table
PDU Plug Distribution Unit + Protocol Data Unit
.PDX Paradox files (file name extension) [Borland] +
Printer Description Extension (file name extension)
PE Parity Even + Processing Element + Protect Enable
PEA Pocket Ethernet Adapter
PEL Picture Element [IBM]
PEM Privacy-Enhanced Mail [Internet]
PEN SDK Pen Computing Software Development Kit
PEP Packet Exchange Protocol +
Packetized Ensemble Protocol [Telebit]
PERC Power Edge RAID Controller
PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language [Unix]
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
PES Positioning Error Signal + Processor Enhancement Socket
Processor Upgrade Socket
PET Print Enhancement Technology [Compaq]
.PFB Printer Font Binary (file name extension)
PFE Programmer's File Editor
.PFM Printer Font Metrics (file name extension) [Windows]
PFN Page Frame Number
PFR Power-Fail Restart
PGA Pin Grid Array + Professional Graphics Adapter [IBM]
PGC Program Group Control [Microsoft]
PGDN Page Down
.PGL Graphics (file name extension) [Hewlett-Packard]
PGM Program
PGML Precision Graphics Markup Language
PGP Pretty Good Privacy (name of encryption program)
.PGP ProGram Parameter (file name extension) [AutoCAD]
PGUP Page Up
PHIGS Programmers' Hierarchical Interactive Graphics
.PHO Phone List (file name extension)
PHS Personal Handyphone System
PI Program Interruption
PIA Peripheral Interface Adapter
PIC Personal Information Carrier +
Personal Intelligent Communicator +
Platform for Internet Content +
Priority Interrupt Controller +
Program Interrupt Controller
PICS Platform for Internet Content Selection [W3C]
PICT Picture
PID Process Identification Number + Product ID +
Proportional, Integral, Derivative
PIER Procedures for Internet/Enterprise Renumbering
PIF Picture Interchange Format File +
Program Information File
PII Program Integrated Information
PILOT Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching
PilotACE* Pilot Automatic Computing Engine
PIM Personal Information Manager +
Primary Interface Module +
Protocol-Independent Multicast
PIN Personal Identification Number +
Process Identification Number [Unix]
PINE Pine Is Not Elm (original usage) +
Program for Internet News & Email (present usage)
PING Packet Internet Groper
PIO Parallel Input/Output + Processor Input/Output +
Programmed Input/Output
PIP Pattern and Information Processing +
Picture In Picture + Problem Isolation Procedure +
Programmable Interconnect Point
PIPO Parallel In, Parallel Out
PIR Protocol Independent Routing
PIT Programmable Interval Timer
PIXEL Picture Element
PJPEG Progressive JPEG
PKC Public Key Cryptography
PL Plus
.PL Pearl Language (file name extension)
PLA Programmable Logic-Array
PLATO Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PLCC Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier
PLD Programmable Logic Device
PLDS Pilot Land Data System [NASA]
PLL Phase Locked Loop
.PLL Prelinked Library (file name extension) [Clipper]
PL/M Programming Language for Micros
PLS Primary Link Station
PLV Production Level Video
PL/1 * Programming Language One
PM Presentation Manager [IBM] +
Preventative Maintenance + Process Manager
P-MAIL Paper Mail
PMD Packet Mode Data
PMMU Paged Memory Management Unit
PMOS Positive Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
PMR Problem Management Report [IBM]
PMS Policy Management System
PN Processing Node
P/N: Part Number
PNA Programmable Network Access
PNG Portable Network Graphics
PNNI Private Network to Network Interface
PNP Plug And Play
PO Parity Odd
POC Point Of Contact
POD Plain Old Dos + Publishing On Demand
POE Power Open Environment
POH Power-On Hours
POL Problem Oriented Language
POP Point Of Presence + Pop from Stack + Post Office Protocol
POP3 Post Office Protocol, Version 3
POPA Pop All Registers
POPF Pop Flags
POR Power-On-Reset
POS Point Of Sale + Positive + Programmable Object Select
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface for Unix
POST Power-On Self Test
POSTNET Postal Numeric Encoding Technique (bar code)
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service + Plain Old Time-Sharing
POWER Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC [IBM]
PowerPC Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC-Performance
PP Parallel Port
PPA Pixel Processing Accelerator
.PPD Postscript Printer Description (file name extension)
PPDS Personal Printer Data Stream [IBM]
PPGA Plastic Pin Grid Array
PPI Precise Pixel Interpolation
PPM Pages Per Minute
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol [Internet]
PPS Packets Per Second + Power Personal Systems [IBM]
PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol [Microsoft]
PQFP Plastic Quad Flat Pack
PRACSA Public Remote Access Computer Standards Association
PRAM Parallel Random-Access Machine +
Parameter Random Access Memory
.PRC Pilot Resource (file name extension) [Palm Pilot]
.PRD Printer Driver (file name extension) [Microsoft]
PRE Preformatted [HTML]
PReP Power PC Reference Platform [IBM/Motorola]
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
.PRF Preferences (file name extension) [Grammatik IV]
.PRG Program (file name extension)
PRI Primary-Rate Interface
PRINTF Print with Formatting [C Programming Language]
PRISM Photo-Refractive Information Storage Material
.PRJ Project (file name extension) [Borland]
PRMD Private Management Domain [X.400]
PRML Partial-Response Maximum-Likelihood
.PRO Profile (file name extension)
PROC Procedure
PROFS Professional Office System [IBM]
PROG Program + Programmer
PROLOG Programming In Logic (Programming Language)(See HLL)
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PRN Printer
.PRS Printer (file name extension) [WordPerfect]
PRTSC Print Screen
PS Proportional Spacing
.PS Postscript (file name extension)
PS/2 Programming System 2 [IBM]
PSAPI Presentation Space Application Programming Interface
PSC Personal Super Computer + Print Server Command +
Product Service Center
PSDN Packet-Switched Data Network
PSDS Packet-Switched Data Service
PSERVER Print Server [NetWare]
PSF Permanent Swap File
PSID Postscript Image Data
PSINET (formerly Performance Systems International)
PSM Printing Systems Manager
PSN Packet Switching Network +
Processor Serial Number
PSP Personal Software Products (group) [IBM] +
Program Segment Prefix
PSPDN Packet-Switched Public Data Network
P-SRAM Pseudo-Static Random Access Memory
PSRT Postscript Round Table [GEnie]
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PSU Power Supply Unit
PSW Program Status Word
.ps.Z Compressed Postscript (file name extension) [Unix]
PT Page Table
P/T Part Time
PTD Parallel Transfer Disk Drive
PTE Page Table Entry
PTF Problem Temporary/Trouble Fix [IBM]
PTI Packet Type Identifier
PTT Postal Telephone & Telegraph
PUB Public (directory) [Internet] + Publish
.PUB Publication (file name extension) [Ventura]
PUN Physical Unit Number
PUP PARC Universal Packet (protocol)
PUS Processor Upgrade Socket
PUSHA Push All Registers
PUSHF Push Flags
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit + Polyvinyl Chloride
PVM Parallel Virtual Machine +
Pass-through Virtual Machine (protocol) [IBM]
PVP Parallel Vector Processing
PVS Parallel Visualization Server
PW Password
PWB Printed Wire Board +
Programmer's Workbench [Microsoft]
PWD Print Working Directory [Unix]
PWR Power
PWSCS Programmable Workstation Communication Services [IBM]
.PX Primary Index (file name extension) [Paradox]
QA Quality Assurance
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QBE Query By Example
QBF Query by Form
QBIC Query By Image Content [IBM]
QC Quality Control
QD Querty/Dvorak
QDA Qualitative Data Analysis
QDOS Quick and Dirty Operating System
.QDI Quicken Dictionary (file name extension) [Intuit]
.QDT Quicken Data (file name extension) [Intuit]
QEMM Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager [Quarterdeck Corp.]
QFA Quick File Access
QFE Quick-Fix Engineering [Microsoft]
QFP Quad Flat Pack
QIC Quality Information Using Cycle Time [Hewlett-Packard] +
Quarter-Inch Cartridge
.QIF Quicken Import File/Interchange Format
(file name extension)
.QMT Quicken Memorized List (file name extension) [Intuit]
.QNX Quicken Indexes to Data (file name extension) [Intuit]
QOS Quality Of Service
QPG Quantum Phase Gate
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
QTC Quicktime Conferencing [Macintosh]
RA Return Authorization
.RA Real Audio (file name extension)
RACF Resource Access Control Facility
RAD Rapid Application Development
RADAR Radio Detection And Ranging +
Rights, Availabilities, Distribution Analysis
and Reporting [Disney]
RADB Routing Arbiter Data Base
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RADSL Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line
RAG Row Address Generator
RAID Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks +
Redundant Arrays of Independent Drives +
Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
RAIS Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Systems
RALU Register Arithmetic Logic Unit
RAM Random Access Memory
.RAM Real Audio Metafile (file name extension)
RAMDAC Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog
Converter [Sierra]
RAMP Remote Access Maintenance Protocol [Internet]
RAND Random
RAP Rapid Application Prototyping
RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RAS Random Access Storage +
Reader Admission System [British Library] +
Reliability, Availability and Serviceability +
Remote Access Service + Row Address Select
RASAPI Remote Access Service Application Programming
Interface [Microsoft]
.RAT Rating (file name extension)
RAVE Rendering Acceleration Virtual Engine [Apple Computer]
.RAW Raw Data (file name extension)
RB Right Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)
RBBS Remote Bulletin Board System
RBCS Remote Bar Code System
RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company
.RC Resource (file name extension)
RCL Rotate Carry Left
RCP Remote Control Panel + Remote Copy [Internet] +
Restore Cursor Position
RCPT Recipient
RCR Rotate Carry Right
RCS Records Communications Switching System +
Revision Control System [Unix]
RD Receive Data + Remove Directory
R&D Research and Development
RDA Remote Database Access
RDB Receive Data Buffer + Relational Database
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RDCLK Received Timing Clock
RDF Resource Description Framework [W3C]
RDO Remote Data Object
RDP Reliable Datagram Protocol + Remote Desk Protocol
RDSR Receiver Data Service Request
RDTO Receive Data Transfer Offset [IBM]
RDX Realistic Display Mixer
.REC Recorder (file name extension) +
Recreational or Entertainment Activities (Domain
Name) [Internet]
REC. Recreation [USENET Newsgroup Category]
.REF Reference (file name extension)
REG Register
REGAL Rigid Epoxy Glass Acrylic Laminate
RELSECT Relative Sector
REM Remark + Remote + Ring Error Monitor
REN Rename + Ringer Equivalence Number
REP Repeat
REPE Repeat while Equal
REPNE Repeat while Not Equal
REPNZ Repeat while Not Zero
REPZ Repeat while Zero
REQ Request
REREG Re-Register
RES Remote Execution Service + Reset + Resolution
.RES Resource (file name extension)
RET Resolution Enhancement Technology [HP] + Return
RETR Retrieve
REX Relocatable Executable
REXEC Remote Execution
REXX Restructured Extended Executor (language) [IBM]
RF Radio Frequency
RFC Request For Comments [Internet]
RFD Request for Discussion [Internet]
RFI Radio Frequency Interference + Request for Information
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RFP Request for Proposal
RFQ Request for Quotation
RFS Remote File Sharing + Remote File System
RFT Revisable Form Text + Rich Text Format
RFU Reserved For Future Use
RGB Red-Green-Blue (color model)
RI Referential Integrity + Ring Indicate
RID Relative Identifier
RIFF Resource Interchange File Format [Microsoft]
RIM Remote Installation and Maintenance [Microsoft]
RIME RelayNet International Message Exchange
RIP Raster Image Processor + Remote Imaging Protocol +
Routing Information Protocol [Novell]
RIPEM Riordan's Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail
RIPS Raster Image Processing System
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computing
RIT Raw Input Thread [Microsoft]
RJE Remote Job Entry
RLD Received Line Detect
RLE Run Length Encoded
RLL Run Length Limited
RLN Remote LAN Node [DCA]
RLOGIN Remote Login
RLSD Received Line Signal Detected
RLSI * Ridiculously Large-Scale Integration
RM Reset Mode
RMA Return Material Authorization +
Return to Manufacturer Authorization
RMB Right Mouse Button
RMDIR Remove Directory
RMI Remote Messaging Interface +
Remote Method Invocation [Sun]
RMON Remote Monitor/Monitoring
RMP Remote Maintenance Processor [IBM]
RMS Record Management Services + Root Mean Square
RMW Read-Modify-Write
RN Read News [Internet]
RNA Remote Network Access [Microsoft]
RND Random
RNG Random Number Generator
RNP Regional Network Provider
R-O Read Only
ROB Reorder Buffer [Intel]
ROI  Return On Investment
ROL Rotate Left
ROLAP Relational On-Line Analytical Processing
ROM Read Only Memory
ROOM Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling
ROP Raster Operation + RISC Operation
ROR Rotate Right
ROS Read-Only Storage [IBM]
ROSCOE Remote Operating System Conversational Online
ROT Running Object Table
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RPG Report Program Generator (Programming Language)
RPL Resident Programming Language +
Requested Privilege Level
RPN Real Page Number + Reverse Polish Notation
RPRINTER Remote Printer [NetWare]
RPPROM Reprogrammable PROM
RPR Relative Performance Rating
RPT Repeat
RPQ Request for Price Quotation
RQBE Relational Query By Example [Fox Pro]
RR Real Reality
RS Radio Shack +
Recommended Standard (as in RS-232) [EIA] +
Record Separator + Request to Send
RSA129 (129 digit cryptographic security number named after
its inventors: Drs. Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir and
Leonard M. Adleman)
RSAC Recreational Software Advisory Council
RSCS Remote Spooling Communications System
RSD Route Server Daemon
RSH Remote Shell
RSI Repetitive Strain Injury (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
RSL Request-and-Status Link
RSP Required Space Character
RSPX Remote Sequenced Packet Exchange
RST Reset + Restart
RSTS Resource Sharing Time Sharing [Digital]
RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
RSX Realistic Sound Experience +
Real Time Resource Sharing Executive
RT Real Time + RISC Technology + Run Time
R/T Receive/Transmit
RTAM Remote Terminal Access Method
RTC Real-Time Clock
RTDM Real-Time Data Migration
RTEL Reverse Telnet [Internet]
RTF Rich Text Format
RTL Register Transfer Language/Level +
Resistor Transistor Logic + Right-To-Left +
Run Time Library
RTM Response Time Monitor + Runtime Manager [Borland]
RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
RTN Reuters Transaction Network
RTOS Real-Time Operating System
RTP Rapid Transport Protocol + Real-Time Protocol
RTS Remote Takeover System + Request To Send
RTSP Real-Time Streaming Protocol
RTTI Runtime Type Information
RTTY Radio Teletypewriter (Communications)
RTV Real Time Video
RTX Run Time Extension
RUN Rewind/Unload [IBM]
RVA Relative Virtual Address
RVI Reverse Interrupt
R/W Read/Write
RWIN Receive Window
RWM Read-Write Memory
RX Receiver
RXD Receive Data
SA Selective Availability
SAA Systems Application Architecture [IBM]
SABRE Semi-Automatic Business Research Environment
SAC Single Attachment Concentrator
SACL System Access Control List
SADL Synchronous Data Link Control [Racal-Vadic]
SAINT * Symbolic Automatic Integrator
SAL Shift Arithmetic Left
SAM Serial Access Memory + Sequential Access Method +
Security Accounts Manager [Microsoft] +
Single Application Mode [Microsoft]
SAN Storage/System Area Network
SANE Standard Apple Numeric Environment
SAP Second Audio Program + Service Access Point [DEC] +
Service Advertising Protocol +
* Symbolic Assembly Program +
Systems, Applications and Products (company)
SAPI Speech Application Program Interface [Microsoft]
SAR Segmentation and Reassembly +
Shift Arithmetic Right +
Successive Approximation Register +
Synthetic Aperature Radar
SAS Sales Accounting System + Single Attached Station +
Single Audio System + Statistical Analysis System
SASI Shugart Associates System Interface (SCSI originated
from SASI)
SATAN Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks
.SAV Saved (file name extension)
SAVDM Single Application VDM
SB Sound Blaster [Creative Labs] + Sound Board
SBA Scene Balance Algorithms [Kodak]
SBB Subtract With Borrow
SBC Single-Board Computer
SBCS Single-Byte Character Set
SBI Sound Blaster Instrument
.SBR Source Browser (file name extension) [Borland]
SBS Smart Battery Specification [Duracell/Intel]
.SC script (file name extension)
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCAM SCSI Configuration Automatically
SCAS Scan String
SCB Subsystem Control Block [IBM]
SCC Serial Communications Controllers +
Serial Controller Chip +
Synchronous Channel Check [IBM]
SCCS Source Code Control System
SCD Standard Color Display
S-CDMA Synchronous Code-Division Multiple Access
SCF System Control Facility
SCI Scalable Coherent Interface +
Serial Communications Interface
SCI. Science [USENET Newsgroup Category]
SCIL Serial Control Interface Logic
SCLM Software Configuration and Library Management [IBM]
SCM ScreenCam Format [Lotus] +
Software Configuration Management + Station Class Mark
SCO Santa Cruz Operation (Software Company)
SCOPE Simple Communications Programming Environment
SCP Save Cursor Position + Subsystem Control Port +
System Control Program
SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
.SCR script (file name extension)
SCRN Screen (video display)
SCRS Scalable Cluster of RISC Systems
SCSA Signal Computing System Architecture [Dialogic]
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface
SD Send Data + Super Density
SDA Software Disk Array + Source Data Automation +
System Display Architecture [Digital]
SDAM Single DOS Application Mode
SDB Symbolic Debugger [Unix]
SDD Software Description Database [Internet] +
Subscriber Data document +
System Distribution Directory
SDF Space Delimited File + Space Delimited Format
.SDF Standard Data Format (file name extension)
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDI Selective Dissemination of Information +
Single document Interface
Software Development Interface [Mosaic]
SDK Software Development Kit [Microsoft]
SDL Specification and Description Language
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control (protocol)
SDM System Development Multitasking
SDMS SCSI Device Management System [NCR]
SDN Software Defined Network [AT&T]
SDNS Secure Data Network Service
SDR Streaming Data Request
SDRAM Synchronous DRAM
SD-ROM Super Density ROM
SDS Sysops Distribution System
SDSL Single-Line/Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line
SD_STB Streaming Data Strobe [IBM]
SDTV Standard Definition Television
SDV Switched Digital Video [AT&T]
SDX Storage Data Acceleration
SEA Standard Extended Attribute [OS/2]
.SEA Self Extracting Archive (file name extension) [Macintosh]
SEAC * Name of first computer to use transistors, built by
(National Bureau of) Standards Eastern Automatic
Calculator (Also see SWAC)
SEAL Segmentation and Reassembly Layer (protocol) +
Screening External Access Link [Digital-DEC]
SEC Single Error Correction
SECAM Sequentiel Couleur Avec Memoire
(Sequential Color With Memory)
SECC Single Edge Contact Cartridge
SED Stream Editor + Stream-Oriented Editor
SEG Segment
SEH Structured Exception Handling
SEL Select
SEM Scanning Electron Microscope +
Standard Electronic Module +
Strategic Enterprise Management [SAP]
SEPP Secure Encryption Payment Protocol
SER Serial
SERCOS Serial Real-Time Communications System
SET Secure Electronic Transaction +
Softwave Engineering Technology
.SET Driver Set (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC] +
Image Settings (file name extension) [Paradox]
SETEXT Structure Enhanced Text [Internet]
SEU Smallest Executable Unit
SF Sign Flag
SFC System File Checker
SFD Start Frame Delimiter
SFDR Spurious-Free Dynamic Range
SFN Short File Name
SFQL Structured Full-text Query Language
SFS System File Server
SFT System Fault Tolerance
SFX Sound Effect(s)
SGA Shared Global Area
SGEN Signal Generator + System Generator
SGDT Store Global Descriptor Table
SGI Silicon Graphics, Inc.
SGM Shaded Graphics Modeling
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SGR Set Graphics Rendition
SGRAM Synchronous Graphics RAM
S/H Sample and Hold
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm [NSA]
SHAR Shell Archive
SHED Segmented Hypergraphic Editor
SHG Segmented Hypergraphics
SHL Shift Logical Left
SHR Shift Logical Right
SHTML Server-Side Include HyperText Markup Language
S-HTTP Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
SHV Standard High-Volume
.SHW Show (file name extension)
SI Shift-In + Source Index + System Information +
System Integration
SIC Standard Industrial Code
SID Security Identifier + Serial Input Data +
Station Identification [AT&T] +
Symbolic Interactive Debugger + System ID
SIDF System Independent Data Format
SIDH System Identification for Home Systems
SIDT Store Interrupt Descriptor Table
SIFT Stanford Information Filtering Tool
SIG Special Interest Group
SIGCAT Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications
and Technology
SIM Simulator
SIMD Single Instruction, Multiple Data-stream (processor)
SIMM Single In-line Memory Module
SIMTEL Simulation and Teleprocessing
SIMULA Simulation (language)
SIO Serial Input/Output (communications driver)
SIP Session Initiation Protocol + Single In-line Package
SIPC Simply Interactive Personal Computer [Microsoft]
SIPO Serial In, Parallel Out
SIPP Single In-line Pin Package
SIR Serial Infrared [Hewlett-Packard]
SIRDS Single-Image Random Dot Stereogram
SI/SO Serial In/Serial Out + Shift In/Shift Out
SIT Special Information Tones
.SIT Stuff-It (compressed file name extension) [Macintosh]
SIU System Interface Unit
SKIP Simple Key-Management for Internet Protocols [Sun]
SKU# Stock Keeping Unit Number
SLA Service Level Agreement
SLC Subscriber Line Concentrator
SLDT Store Local Descriptor Table
SLED Single Large Expensive Disk
SLIC System Level Integration Circuit +
  System Licensed Internal Code [IBM]
SLIM Structured Language for Internet Markup
SLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol
SLM Spatial Light Modulator
SLMR Silly Little Mail Reader
SLOSH Sea, Lake and Overland Surge from Hurricane (program)
SLP Service Location Protocol
SLSI Super Large-Scale Integration
SLSS Systems Library Subscription Service [IBM]
SLU Spoken Language Understanding
SM Set Mode + Shared Memory
SMART Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology
SMB Server Message Block (protocol) [MII]
SMD Surface Mounted Device
SMDR Station Message Detail Recording
SMDS Switched Multimedia/Multi-Megabit Data Service
SMF Single Mode Fiber + System Manager Facility [Compaq]
SMI System Management Interrupt [Intel]
SMIF Standard Mechanical Interface
SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SMIT System Management Interface Tool [IBM]
SMK Software Migration Kit [Microsoft]
SML Standard Meta Language
SMM System Management Mode [Intel]
SMOBC Solder Mask Over Bare Copper
SMP Simple Management Protocol + Symbolic Manipulation
Program + Symmetrical Multi-Processing +
Symmetric Multiprocessor
.SMP Sample (file name extension)
SMPC Shared Memory Parallel Computer
SMPS Switching Mode Power Supply
SMRAM System Management Random Access Memory
SMS Small Messaging System +
Storage Management Services [NetWare] +
Storage Management Subsystem/System +
Systems Management Server [Microsoft]
SMSW Store Machine Status Word
SMT Station Management (protocol) +
Surface-Mount Technology
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMU System Management Utility
SN Serial Number
S/N Signal-to-Noise (Ratio)
SNA Systems Network Architecture [IBM]
SNAP Sub-Network Access Protocol +
Sub-Network Attachment Point
SND Sound
SNEWS Secure News Server [Internet]
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNOBOL String Oriented Symbolic Language (Programming Language)
SNP Serial Number/Password [Omen Technology]
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SOA Start Of Authority
SOC System On a Chip
SOC. Social Issues [USENET Newsgroup Category]
SOCKS Socket Secure (server) [Internet]
SO-DIMM Small Outline DIMM
SOE Standard Operating Environment
SOH Start of Header
SOHO Small Office/Home Office
SOL Simulation Oriented Language
SOM Start of Message + System Object Model [IBM]
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SOP Small Outline Package + Standard Operating Procedures
SOS Silicon On Sapphire + Sophisticated Operating System +
Standards and Open Systems
SOTA State Of The Art
SOX Sound Exchange
SP Service Pack [IBM] + Stack Pointer + System Product
SPA Secure Password Authentication [Microsoft] +
Software Publishers Association
SPAN Space Physics Analysis Network
SPARC Scalable Processor Architecture +
Sun's Palo Alto Research Center
SPC Small Peripheral Controller + Statistical Process Control
SPCL Spectrum Cellular Corporation
SPCS Stored Program Controlled Switch
SPD Serial Presence Detect
SPEC Systems Performance Evaluation Cooperative
SPF Shortest Path First + System Programming Facility
SPGA Staggered Pin-Grid Array
SPI Security Parameters Index + Service Provider Interface +
SCSI Parallel Interface
SPID Service Profile/Provider Identifier
SPIKE Science Planning Intelligent Knowledge-Based
Environment [STScI]
SPIRES Stanford Public Information Retrieval System
[Stanford University]
SPL Spooler + System Programming Language [HP]
.SPL Spell Checker (file name extension)
SPLD Simple Programmable Logic Device
SPM System Performance Monitor [IBM]
SPOOL Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On Line
SPOT Shared Product Object Tree [IBM]
SPP Sequenced Packet Protocol + Standard Printer Port
SPPS Scalable Power Parallel System [IBM]
SPR Special Purpose Register +
Statistical Pattern Recognition +
Symmetrical Phase Recording
SPREAD * Systems Programming, Research, Engineering
and Development [IBM]
SPS Secure Packet Shield + Shock Protection System +
Standby Power System
SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
SPT Sectors Per Track
SPX Sequenced Packet Exchange [Novell]
SQ Squeezed (files)
SQE Signal Quality Error (test)
SQL/DS Structured Query Language/Data System [IBM]
SQOS Secure Quality Of Service
SQRT Square Root
SR Shift Register
SRAM Shadow Random Access Memory +
Static Random Access Memory
SRAPI Speech Recognition API
SRB Source-Route Bridge
.SRC Source (file name extension)
SRD Screen Reader System
SRDRAM Self-Refreshed DRAM
SRGB Sustained RGB (values)
SRM Security Reference Monitor
SRO Sharable and Read Only
SRP Suggested Retail Price
.SRP script (file name extension)
SRPI Server-Requester Programming Interface
SRQ Service Request
SRR Serially Reusable Resource
SRS Sound Retrieval System
SS Stack Segment + Single Sided + Seconds
SSA Serial Storage Architecture
SSAP Source Service Access Point
SSCP Systems Service Control Point [IBM]
SSD Solid State Disk
SSEC * Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator [IBM]
SSGA System Support Gate Array
SSH Secure Shell (protocol)
SSI Server Side Includes + Single System Image +
Small Scale Integration
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSPI Security Service Provider Interface [Microsoft]
SSRP Simple Server Redundancy Protocol [Cisco]
SST Spread-Spectrum Technology +
Systems Services and Technology
STA Spanning Tree Algorithm
STAR Self Defining Text Archival
STB Strobe
STC Set Carry Flag
STD Set Direction Flag + Standard
STDA StreetTalk Directory Assistance [Banyan]
STDAUX Standard Auxilary
STDERR Standard Error
STDIN Standard Input
STDIO.H Standard Input/Output Header [C Programming Language]
STDM Statistical Time Division Multiplexer
STDOUT Standard Output
STDPRN Standard Printer
STEP Standard for Exchange of Product
.STF Structured File (file name extension) [Lotus Agenda]
STI Set Interrupt Flag
S/TK Sectors Per Track
STL Standard Template Library
STN Super-Twist Nematic
.STORE Businesses Offering Goods (Domain Name) [Internet]
STOS Store String
STP Secure Transfer Protocol + Shielded Twisted Pair (cable) +
Signal Transfer Point +
Synchronized Transaction Processing
STR Store Task Register + Synchronous Transmitter Receiver
STRESS Structural Engineering System Solver (Programming
STRUDL Structural Design Language (Programming Language)
STScI Space Telescope Science Institute
STT Secure Transaction Technology [Microsoft]
STX Start of Text
.STY Style (file name extension) [Ventura, Word, WordPerfect]
SUB Subroutine + Substitute + Subtract
SUN Sun Microsystems, Inc.
.SUP Supplemental Dictionary (file name extension)
SVC Switched Virtual Circuit
SVF Simple Vector Format
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
SVGA Super Video Graphics Array
SVM System Virtual Machine [Microsoft]
SVN Switched Virtual Network [IBM]
SVR Server
SVR# System V Release Number [AT&T]
S/W Software
SWAC * Mobile version of SEAC, built for deployment to White
Sands, and named Standards Western Automatic Calculator
SWAIS Simple Wide Area Information Server [Internet]
SWAP Shared Wireless Access Protocol
SWIG Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
SWISH Simple Web Indexing System for Humans
SWP Simple Web Printing
.SWP Swap (file name extension)
.SYL Syllabus (file name extension)
SYLK Symbolic Link
.SYM Symbols (file name extension)
.SYN Synonym (file name extension)
SYNC Synchronous
SYS System
.SYS System Configuration (file name extension) +
System Device Driver (file name extension)
SYSADMIN System Administrator
SYSGEN System Generator
SYSLOG System Log
SYSMOD System Modification
SYSOP System Operator
SYSREQ System Request
SZ Send ZModem [Unix]
TAB Tape Automated Bonding
TACS Total Access Communication System
TAD Telephone Answering Device
TAP Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol
TAPCIS The Access Program for the CompuServe
Information Service
TAPI Telephony Applications Programming Interface
.tar Tape Archive (archived file name extension) [Unix]
.tar.Z Compressed Archived files (file name extension) [Unix]
TAS Telephone Access Server
TASM Turbo Assembler [Borland]
TAXI Transparent Asynchronous Transceiver/Receiver Interface
TB Terabyte (1,024 gigabytes)
(One Thousand Billion characters of informati