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最新版 Gerrit 的详细安装和配置指南

最编程 2024-03-09 20:43:30
【开源中国 APP 全新上线】“动弹” 回归、集成大模型对话、畅读技术报告

                          最新版 Gerrit 详细安装配置指南


2021/07/21 15:41   本人发布过一篇 ” Ubuntu 20.04 + Gerrit 3.4.0 + nginx 1.18.0 安装配置指南 “ 。

原文链接如下:   https://my.oschina.net/sh021/blog/5138883      阅读数 2.9K,我看 Gerrit 新版本又有了新的发布与改进,今天继续分享最新版本的详细安装配置指南,希望对各位有帮助。


  • 操作系统:Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-91-generic x86_64)、


$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y upgrade

  • 代码审查系统Gerrit  直接官网选择下载

检查 JDK 版本及代理服务器版本



 按官方说明文档,执行安装指令:  $java -jar gerrit- init -d /home/scm/review_site_path

$ java -jar gerrit- init -d /home/scm/review_site_path
Using secure store: com.google.gerrit.server.securestore.DefaultSecureStore
[2021-12-22 02:40:14,098] [main] INFO  com.google.gerrit.server.config.GerritServerConfigProvider : No /home/scm/review_site_path/etc/gerrit.config; assumi                              ng defaults

*** Gerrit Code Review

Create '/home/scm/review_site_path' [Y/n]? Y

*** Git Repositories

Location of Git repositories   [git]: git

*** JGit Configuration

Auto-configured "receive.autogc = false" to disable auto-gc after git-receive-pack.

*** Index

Type                           [lucene]:

*** User Authentication

Authentication method          [openid/?]: http
Get username from custom HTTP header [y/N]? N
SSO logout URL                 :
Enable signed push support     [y/N]?
Use case insensitive usernames [Y/n]?

*** Review Labels

Install Verified label         [y/N]? y

*** Email Delivery

SMTP server hostname           [localhost]:
SMTP server port               [(default)]:
SMTP encryption                [none/?]:
SMTP username                  :

*** Container Process

Run as                         [scm]:
Java runtime                   [/usr/local/jdk-11.0.10]:
Copy gerrit- to /home/scm/review_site_path/bin/gerrit.war [Y/n]? Y
Copying gerrit- to /home/scm/review_site_path/bin/gerrit.war

*** SSH Daemon

Listen on address              [*]:
Listen on port                 [29418]:
Generating SSH host key ... rsa... ed25519... ecdsa 256... ecdsa 384... ecdsa 521... done

*** HTTP Daemon

Behind reverse proxy           [y/N]? y
Proxy uses SSL (https://)      [y/N]?
Subdirectory on proxy server   [/]:
Listen on address              [*]:
Listen on port                 [8081]:
Canonical URL                  [http://scm/]:

*** Cache

*** Plugins

Installing plugins.
Install plugin codemirror-editor version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed codemirror-editor v3.5.0.1
Install plugin commit-message-length-validator version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed commit-message-length-validator v3.5.0.1
Install plugin delete-project version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed delete-project v3.5.0.1
Install plugin download-commands version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed download-commands v3.5.0.1
Install plugin gitiles version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed gitiles v3.5.0.1
Install plugin hooks version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed hooks v3.5.0.1
Install plugin plugin-manager version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed plugin-manager v3.5.0.1
Install plugin replication version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed replication v3.5.0.1
Install plugin reviewnotes version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed reviewnotes v3.5.0.1
Install plugin singleusergroup version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed singleusergroup v3.5.0.1
Install plugin webhooks version v3.5.0.1 [y/N]? y
Installed webhooks v3.5.0.1
Initializing plugins.

Welcome to the Gerrit community

Find more information on the homepage: https://www.gerritcodereview.com
Discuss Gerrit on the mailing list: https://groups.google.com/g/repo-discuss
Initialized /home/scm/review_site_path
Init complete, reindexing accounts with: reindex --site-path /home/scm/review_site_path --threads 1 --index accountsReindexed 0 documents in accounts index                               in 0.0s (0.0/s)
Index accounts in version 11 is ready
Cache Statistics at the end of reindexing accounts
  Name                          |Entries              |  AvgGet |Hit Ratio|
                                |   Mem   Disk   Space|         |Mem  Disk|
  groups_external               |                     |         |         |
  groups_bysubgroup             |                     |         |         |
  change_notes                  |                     |         |         |
  groups_byuuid                 |                     |         |         |
  default_preferences           |                     |         |         |
  prolog_rules                  |                     |         |         |
  groups                        |                     |         |         |
  projects                      |                     |         |         |
  groups_byname                 |                     |         |         |
  groups_external_persisted     |                     |         |         |
  groups_bymember               |                     |         |         |
  project_list                  |                     |         |         |
  permission_sort               |                     |         |         |
  external_ids_map              |                     |         |         |
D diff_summary                  |                0.00k|         |         |
D pure_revert                   |                0.00k|         |         |
D groups_byuuid_persisted       |                0.00k|         |         |
D change_kind                   |                0.00k|         |         |
D mergeability                  |                0.00k|         |         |
D conflicts                     |                0.00k|         |         |
D diff_intraline                |                0.00k|         |         |
D approvals                     |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_tags                      |                0.00k|         |         |
D gerrit_file_diff              |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_file_diff                 |                0.00k|         |         |
D accounts                      |                0.00k|         |         |
D persisted_projects            |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_modified_files            |                0.00k|         |         |
D modified_files                |                0.00k|         |         |

Collecting projects:    2 changes with: reindex --site-path /home/scm/review_site_path --threads 1 --index changes
Reindexing changes: done
Reindexed 0 documents in changes index in 0.0s (0.0/s)
Index changes in version 71 is ready
Cache Statistics at the end of reindexing changes
  Name                          |Entries              |  AvgGet |Hit Ratio|
                                |   Mem   Disk   Space|         |Mem  Disk|
  groups_external               |                     |         |         |
  groups_bysubgroup             |                     |         |         |
  change_notes                  |                     |         |         |
  groups_byuuid                 |                     |         |         |
  default_preferences           |                     |         |         |
  prolog_rules                  |                     |         |         |
  groups                        |                     |         |         |
  projects                      |                     |         |         |
  groups_byname                 |                     |         |         |
  groups_external_persisted     |                     |         |         |
  groups_bymember               |                     |         |         |
  project_list                  |     1               |   2.3ms | 50%     |
  permission_sort               |                     |         |         |
  external_ids_map              |                     |         |         |
D diff_summary                  |                0.00k|         |         |
D pure_revert                   |                0.00k|         |         |
D groups_byuuid_persisted       |                0.00k|         |         |
D change_kind                   |                0.00k|         |         |
D mergeability                  |                0.00k|         |         |
D conflicts                     |                0.00k|         |         |
D diff_intraline                |                0.00k|         |         |
D approvals                     |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_tags                      |                0.00k|         |         |
D gerrit_file_diff              |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_file_diff                 |                0.00k|         |         |
D accounts                      |                0.00k|         |         |
D persisted_projects            |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_modified_files            |                0.00k|         |         |
D modified_files                |                0.00k|         |         |

Reindexing groups:      100% (2/2)ith: reindex --site-path /home/scm/review_site_path --threads 1 --index groups
Reindexed 2 documents in groups index in 0.1s (18.0/s)
Index groups in version 8 is ready
Cache Statistics at the end of reindexing groups
  Name                          |Entries              |  AvgGet |Hit Ratio|
                                |   Mem   Disk   Space|         |Mem  Disk|
  groups_external               |                     |         |         |
  groups_bysubgroup             |                     |         |         |
  change_notes                  |                     |         |         |
  groups_byuuid                 |                     |  97.4ms |  0%     |
  default_preferences           |                     |         |         |
  prolog_rules                  |                     |         |         |
  groups                        |                     |         |         |
  projects                      |                     |         |         |
  groups_byname                 |                     |         |         |
  groups_external_persisted     |                     |         |         |
  groups_bymember               |                     |         |         |
  project_list                  |                     |         |         |
  permission_sort               |                     |         |         |
  external_ids_map              |                     |         |         |
D diff_summary                  |                0.00k|         |         |
D pure_revert                   |                0.00k|         |         |
D groups_byuuid_persisted       |                0.00k|  92.9ms |  0%     |
D change_kind                   |                0.00k|         |         |
D mergeability                  |                0.00k|         |         |
D conflicts                     |                0.00k|         |         |
D diff_intraline                |                0.00k|         |         |
D approvals                     |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_tags                      |                0.00k|         |         |
D gerrit_file_diff              |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_file_diff                 |                0.00k|         |         |
D accounts                      |                0.00k|         |         |
D persisted_projects            |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_modified_files            |                0.00k|         |         |
D modified_files                |                0.00k|         |         |

Reindexing projects:    100% (2/2) with: reindex --site-path /home/scm/review_site_path --threads 1 --index projects
Reindexed 2 documents in projects index in 0.1s (20.0/s)
Index projects in version 4 is ready
Cache Statistics at the end of reindexing projects
  Name                          |Entries              |  AvgGet |Hit Ratio|
                                |   Mem   Disk   Space|         |Mem  Disk|
  groups_external               |                     |         |         |
  groups_bysubgroup             |                     |         |         |
  change_notes                  |                     |         |         |
  groups_byuuid                 |                     |         |         |
  default_preferences           |                     |         |         |
  prolog_rules                  |                     |         |         |
  groups                        |                     |         |         |
  projects                      |     2               |  42.2ms | 33%     |
  groups_byname                 |                     |         |         |
  groups_external_persisted     |                     |         |         |
  groups_bymember               |                     |         |         |
  project_list                  |     1               | 381.7us |  0%     |
  permission_sort               |                     |         |         |
  external_ids_map              |                     |         |         |
D diff_summary                  |                0.00k|         |         |
D pure_revert                   |                0.00k|         |         |
D groups_byuuid_persisted       |            2   0.90k|         |         |
D change_kind                   |                0.00k|         |         |
D mergeability                  |                0.00k|         |         |
D conflicts                     |                0.00k|         |         |
D diff_intraline                |                0.00k|         |         |
D approvals                     |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_tags                      |                0.00k|         |         |
D gerrit_file_diff              |                0.00k|         |         |
D git_file_diff                 |                0.00k|         |         |
D accounts                      |                0.00k|         |         |
D persisted_projects            |                0.00k|  38.1ms |  0%     |
D git_modified_files            |                0.00k|         |         |
D modified_files                |                0.00k|         |         |

Executing /home/scm/review_site_path/bin/gerrit.sh start
Starting Gerrit Code Review: WARNING: Could not adjust Gerrit's process for the kernel's out-of-memory killer.
         This may be caused by /home/scm/review_site_path/bin/gerrit.sh not being run as root.
         Consider changing the OOM score adjustment manually for Gerrit's PID=102579 with e.g.:
         echo '-1000' | sudo tee /proc/102579/oom_score_adj
Waiting for server on ... OK
Opening ...FAILED
Open Gerrit with a JavaScript capable browser:


Waiting for server on ... OK  说明系统已经启动了,打开浏览器访问看看。

不友好的 403 提示,我不用多说什么,应该也知道是啥问题了吧?


要修改那个配置文件,也应该要清楚了吧? 不清楚的看下图路径



diff 查看区别


又一个不友好的 502 提示,不用多说了,应该也知道是啥问题了吧?



在把 gerrit 系统也重新启动一下




点击 Install plugins 按钮,就进入到如下的安装界面了。



熟悉的主页就登录进来了,最新的版本显示  Powered by Gerrit Code Review ( .

点击右上角的 Settings 设置

创建个新仓库,点击 CREATE NEW 进行创建。

输入项目仓库名称,点击 CREATE 按钮创建。

创建的 Demo 仓库就创建好了




log 信息显示为空仓库

下面添加个项目代码,然后完成提交,push 到远程服务器上去。


页面显示的信息,就是刚才 push 提交的记录信息。


点击 gitweb 页面显示如下

到此,最新版 Gerrit 详细安装配置指南,就分享结束了,对你有所帮助请给个红心点个赞吧,谢谢各位。