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最编程 2024-04-06 13:41:21

代数的恒等式||identities of algebras

代数的李代数||algebraic Lie algebra

代数的张量积||tensor product of algebras

代数的中心||center of an algebra

代数等价||algebraically equivalence

代数方程||algebraic equation

代数方程论||theory of algebraic equations

代数格||algebraic lattice

代数规划||algebraic program

代数函数域||algebraic function field

代数和||algebraic sum

代数集||algebraic set

代数集的理想||ideal of an algebraic set

代数几何[学]||algebraic geometry

代数精度||algebraic accuracy

代数扩张||algebraic extension

代数论||theory of algebras

代数码||algebraic code

代数奇点||algebraic singularity

代数曲线||algebraic curve

代数群||algebraic group

代数群的根[基]||radical of algebraic group

代数群的李代数||Lie algebra of an algebraic group

代数群的特征[标]||character of algebraic group

代数群的外尔群||Weyl group of algebraic group

代数群的有理表示||rational representation of algebraic group

代数群的秩||rank of algebraic group

代数式||algebraic expression

代数数||algebraic number

代数数论||algebraic number theory

代数数域||algebraic number field; 简称“数域”。

代数体函数||algebroidal function

代数同构||algebra isomorphism

代数同态||algebra homomorphism

代数拓扑[学]||algebraic topology

代数微分方程||algebraic differential equation

代数无关[的]||algebraically independent

代数系统||algebraic system

代数相关[的]||algebraically dependent


代数译码||algebraic decoding

代数余子式||algebraic cofactor

代数元||algebraic element

代数整数||algebraic integer

代数整数环||ring of algebraic integers

代数子群||algebraic subgroup, k-closed subgroup

待定系数法||method of undetermined coefficient

丹齐格-沃尔夫法||Dantzig-Wolfe method


单[字长]精度||single precision

单[纯]集||simple set

单阿贝尔簇||simple Abelian variety

单胞算子||unicellular operator

单变量系统||single variable system; 又称“单输入单输出系统(single-input single-output system,

单步迭代||single step iteration

单步法||single step method, one-step method

单参数变换群||one parameter group of transformations

单参数测地线族||1-parameter family of geodesics

单参数乘法子群||one parameter multiplicative subgroup

单参数子群||one parameter subgroup

单侧逼近||one-sided approximation

单侧检验||one-sided test

单侧曲面||unilateral surface

单侧搜索||one-sided search

单层位势||simple layer potential; 又称“单一分布位势”。

单纯逼近||simplicial approximation

单纯复形||simplicial complex

单纯复形的同调群||homology group of simplicial complex

单纯链映射||simplicial chain mapping

单纯形表||simplex tabuleau

单纯形调优法||simplex evolutionary method

单纯形法||simplex method, simplex algorithm

单纯映射||simplicial mapping, barycentric mapping

单纯重分||simplicial subdivision

单代数||simple algebra

单代数的ζ函数||ζ-function of simple algebra, zeta-function of simple algebra

单代数的差积||different of a simple algebra

单代数的判别式||discriminant of a simple algebra

单代数群||simple algebraic group

单点||simple point

单点分布||one-point distribution

单调差分格式||monotone difference scheme

单调函数||monotone function

单调类||monotone class

单调收敛定理||monotone convergence theorem

单调似然比||monotone likelihood ratio

单调算子||monotone operator; 又称“单调映射(monotone mapping)”。

单泛代数||simple universal algebra

单峰分布||unimodal distribution

单峰函数||unimodal function


单格||simple lattice

单根||simple root

单根系||simple system of roots

单环||simple ring

单极点||simple pole; 又称“一阶极点”。

单开陷门函数||one-way trap door function

单扩张||simple extension

单李代数||simple Lie algebra

单李群||simple Lie group

单连通[的]||simply connected

单连通[区]域||simply connected domain

单连通解析群||simply connected analytic group

单连通黎曼[曲]面||simply connected Riemann surface

单列模||uniserial module

单零点||simple zero; 又称“一阶零点”。

单路信道||one way channel

单模||simple module; 又称“不可约模(irreducible  module)”。

单切线||simple tangent

单群||simple group

单射||injection, injective

单射半径||injective radius

单收敛拓扑||simple convergence topology

单台服务系统||single-server system


单同态||injective homomorphism

单图||simple graph

单位||unit; 又称“可逆元(invertible element)”。

单位表示||unit representation

单位点||unit point

单位分解||partition of unity

单位根||roots of unity

单位函子||identity functor

单位阶跃函数||unit step function

单位阶跃输入||unit step input

单位阶跃响应||unit step response

单位矩阵||identity matrix, unit matrix;     又称“幺矩阵”。

单位理想||unit ideal

单位连通区||identity component

单位算子||unit operator; 曾用名“恒等算子 (identity operator)”。

单位态射||identity morphism

单位特征[标]||unit character

单位向量||unit vector

单位元[素]||identity element, unit element; 简称“幺元”。

单位元群||identity group

单位圆[盘]||unit disk

单位张量||unit tensor

单项变换||monoidal transformation

单项表示||monomial representation

单项矩阵||monomial matrix



单向连通[的]||unilaterally connected


单演函数||monogenic function

单叶函数||univalent function

单叶双曲面||hyperboloid of one sheet


单元刚度矩阵||element stiffness matrix

单支格式||one-leg scheme


单值[性]定理||monodromy theorem

单值分支||one-valued branch

单值函数||single valued function, uniform function


单值化定理||uniformization theorem

单值群||monodromy group

单周期函数||simply periodic function

淡紧||vague compact

淡漠||indifference; 又称“无差别”。

淡收敛||vague convergence

淡拓扑||vague topology

弹性壁||elastic barrier

当且仅当||if and only if, iff

当茹瓦积分||Denjoy integral

当茹瓦极小集||Denjoy minimum set


倒差分||reciprocal difference

倒差商||reciprocal difference quotient

倒易蒙特卡罗方法||reciprocity Monte Carlo method

导出代数||derived algebra

导出函子||derived functor

导出列||derived series

导出区组设计||derived block design

导函数||derived function

导集||derived set

导数||derivative, differential quotient; 又称“微商”。

导体位势||conductor potential

导子代数||derivation algebra

到达间隔||interarrival time

到达时刻||arrival instant

道格拉斯泛函||Douglas functional


道路空间||path space

道路连通[的]||path connected

德拜渐近表示||asymptotic representation of Debye

德拜渐近展开||Debye asymptotic expansion

德布鲁因图||de Brujin graph

德恩扭转||Dehn twist

德拉姆上同调群||de Rham cohomology group

德摩根代数||De Morgan algebra

德摩根恒等式||De Morgan identity

德萨格定理||Desargues theorem

等比级数||geometric series

等比数列||geometric progression; 又称“几何数列”。

等边三角形||equilateral triangle

等参超曲面||isoparametric hypersurface

等差级数||arithmetic series

等差数列||arithmetic progression; 又称“算术数列”。

等待时间||waiting time

等待制系统||waiting system; 又称“等待服务系统”。



等价关系||equivalence relation

等价矩阵||equivalent matrices

等价类||equivalence class

等角轨线族||family of isogonal trajectories

等距||equidistant, isometry

等距曲线||equidistant curve

等距算子||isometric operator, isometric mapping




等式约束||equality constraint

等势线||equipotential line

等温坐标||isothermal coordinates

等腰三角形||isosceles triangle

等腰梯形||isosceles trapezoid

等于||equal to

等周不等式||isoperimetric inequality

等周问题||isoperimetric problem

邓福德积分||Dunford integral

邓肯图||Dynkin diagram

低负荷服务||light traffic

低松弛||underrelaxation; 又称“亚松弛”。

迪厄多内晶体||Dieudonné crystal

迪厄多内行列式||Dieudonné determinant

迪尼导数||Dini derivative

迪尼级数||Dini series

迪潘标形||Dupin indicatrix

笛卡儿积||Cartesian product

笛卡儿空间||Cartesian space

笛卡儿卵形线||Cartesian oval

笛卡尔图||Cartesian diagram

狄拉克方程||Dirac equation

狄拉克广义函数||Dirac distribution

狄利克雷L级数||Dirichlet L-series

狄利克雷乘法||Dirichlet multiplication

狄利克雷抽屉原理||Dirichlet box principle

狄利克雷泛函||Dirichlet functional

狄利克雷分布||Dirichlet distribution

狄利克雷核||Dirichlet kernel

狄利克雷积分||Dirichlet integral

狄利克雷级数||Dirichlet series

狄利克雷空间||Dirichlet space

狄利克雷密度||Dirichlet density, analytic density

狄利克雷数据||Dirichlet data

狄利克雷特征[标]||Dirichlet character

狄利克雷问题||Dirichlet problem; 又称“第一边值问题 (first boundary value problem)”。

狄利克雷型||Dirichlet form

狄利克雷原理||Dirichlet principle

底函子||underlying functor, forgetful functor


底角||base angle

底空间||base space

底群||underlying group

底数||base number

底拓扑空间||underlying topological space

蒂索-波哈默微分方程||Tissot-Pohhammer differential equation

第 n 类贝尔函数||n-th class of Baire functions

第二范畴||second category

第二范畴集||set of the second category

第二基本型||second fundamental form; 又称“第二基本形式”。

第二可数公理||second axiom of countability

第二类贝塞尔函数||Bessel function of the second kind; 又称“诺伊曼函数 (Neumann function)”。

第二类不连续点||discontinuity point of the second kind

第二类不完全椭圆积分||incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind

第二类错误||error of the second kind

第二类典范坐标||canonical coordinates of the second kind

第二类弗雷德霍姆积分方程||Fredholm integral equation of the second kind

第二类汉克尔函数||Hankel function of the second kind

第二类拉梅函数||Lamé function of the second kind

第二类勒让德函数||Legendre function of the second kind

第二类马蒂厄函数||Mathieu function of the second kind

第二类切比雪夫多项式||Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind

第二类椭圆函数||elliptic function of the second kind

第二类椭圆积分||elliptic integral of the second kind

第二类完全椭圆积分||complete elliptic integral of the second kind

第二类沃尔泰拉积分方程||Volterra integral equation of the second kind

第二中值定理||second mean value theorem

第三类贝塞尔函数||Bessel function of the third kind; 又称“汉克尔函数 (Hankel function)”。

第三类弗雷德霍姆积分方程||Fredholm integral equation of the third kind

第三类椭圆函数||elliptic function of the third kind

第三类椭圆积分||elliptic integral of the third kind

第三类沃尔泰拉积分方程||Volterra integral equation of the third kind

第五公设||fifth postulate; 等价于欧氏几何中的平行公理。

第一超穷序数||first transfinite ordinal

第一范畴||first category

第一范畴集||set of the first category

第一基本型||first fundamental form; 又称 “第一基本形式”。

第一可数公理||first axiom of countability

第一类贝塞尔函数||Bessel function of the first kind; 又称“贝塞尔函数 (Bessel function)”。

第一类不连续点||discontinuity point of the first kind

第一类不完全椭圆积分||incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind

第一类错误||error of the first kind

第一类典范坐标||canonical coordinates of the first kind

第一类弗雷德霍姆积分方程||Fredholm integral equation of the first kind

第一类汉克尔函数||Hankel function of the first kind

第一类拉梅函数||Lamé function of the first kind

第一类勒让德函数||Legendre function of the first kind

第一类马蒂厄函数||Mathieu function of the first kind; 又称“椭圆柱函数 (elliptic cylinder function)”。

第一类切比雪夫多项式||Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind

第一类椭圆函数||elliptic function of the first kind

第一类椭圆积分||elliptic integral of the first kind

第一类完全椭圆积分||complete elliptic integral of the first kind

第一类沃尔泰拉积分方程||Volterra integral equation of the first kind

第一中值定理||first mean value  theorem

递归边图||recursive edge graph

递归对策||recursive game

递归分析||recursive analysis

递归函数||recursive function

递归集||recursive set

递归结构||recursive structure

递归可公理化||recursively axiomatizable

递归可枚举集||recursively enumerable set

递归论||recursion theory

递归算术||recursive arithmetic


递归序数||recursive ordinal

递阶决策||hierarchical decision

递阶控制||hierarchical control


点场||field of points

点的局部环||local ring of a point

点的拉开||blowing up at a point

点的邻域基||neighborhood basis of a point

点的特殊化||specialization of a point

点估计||point estimation

点过程||point process

点函数||point function

点划分||point partitioning

点列||range of points

点谱||point spectrum

点式收敛拓扑||topology of pointwise convergence

点斜式||point slope form

点有限覆盖||point-finite covering

典范层||canonical sheaf

典范乘积||canonical product

典范除子||canonical divisor

典范除子类||canonical divisor class

典范丛||canonical bundle

典范赋值||canonical valuation

典范矩阵||canonical matrix

典范嵌入||canonical imbedding

典范态射||canonical morphism

典型变量||canonical variable

典型分解||canonical decomposition

典型复单李代数||classical complex simple Lie algebras

典型过程||canonical process

典型群||classical group

典型实单李代数||classical real simple Lie algebras

典型相关分析||canonical correlation analysis

典型相关系数||canonical correlation coefficient

典型域||classical domain

电报方程||telegraph equations

调和测度||harmonic measure

调和分析||harmonic analysis

调和共轭||harmonic conjugate

调和共轭点||harmonic conjugate points; 又称“等交比点(equianharmonic points)”。

调和函数||harmonic function

调和级数||harmonic series

调和解||harmonic solution

调和平均||harmonic mean

调和数列||harmonic progression

调和算子||harmonic operator

调和映射||harmonic map

调和优函数||harmonic majorant function


调优操作||evolutionary operation

调整型抽检||sampling inspection with adjustment


调制编码系统||modulation coding system

迭代插值法||iterated interpolation method

迭代抽样方法||iteration sampling technique

迭代法||iteration method

迭代计算||iterative computations

迭代团图||iterated clique graph

迭代循环||iterative loop

叠核||iterated kernel

叠加原理||superposition principle

叠式存储算法||stack algorithm; 又称“堆栈算法”。


顶点传递图||vertex transitive graph

顶点次数||degree of a vertex

顶点的权||weight of a vertex

顶点对称||vertex symmetry

顶点子图||vertex subgraph

顶角||vertex angle

定常迭代||stationary iteration

定常系统||time-invariant system

定常相||stationary phase

定点数||fixed-point number

定点运算||fixed-point arithmetic

定额抽样||quota sampling

定二次型||definite quadratic form

定幅曲面||equidistant surface


定货交付时间||lead time

定积分||definite integral

定阶问题||problem of determining the order

定阔曲线||curve of constant breadth


定量观测||quantitative observation

定倾曲线||curve of constant inclination

定时对策||game of timing

定位问题||[] problem

定向胞腔||oriented cell

定向单形||oriented simplex

定向流形||oriented manifold

定向拟阵||oriented matroid

定向图||oriented graph

定性观察||qualitative observation

定性理论||qualitative theory


定义关系||defining relations


丢番图逼近||Diophantine approximation

丢番图方程||Diophantine equation

丢番图关系||Diophantine relation

丢番图几何||Diophantine geometry

动力[学]方程||equation of dynamics

动力系统||dynamical system

动量算子||momentum operator

动态补偿器||dynamic compensator

动态规划||dynamic programming

动态规划流程图||dynamic programming flow chart

动态规划算法||dynamic programming algorithm

动态规划最优性方程||dynamic programming equation of optimality

动态最优化||dynamic optimization

逗留时间||sojourn time


独立[顶]点集||independent set of vertices

独立边集||independent set of edges

独立方程||independent equation

独立集||independent set, stable set

独立偏度||independent departureness

独立试验||independent trials

独立同分布[的]||independent identically distributed, IID

独立信源||independent source


独立性检验||test of independence

独立增量过程||process with independent increments, additive process

赌与分裂方法||roulette and splitting method

杜阿梅尔法||Duhamel method

杜布-迈耶分解||Doob-Meyer decomposition

杜福特-弗兰克尔格式||Dufort-Frankel scheme

度||degree; 在图灵归约关系下集合的等价类。

度规函数||gauge function

度规函数的极函||polar of a gauge function


度量格||metric lattice


度量可递性||metric transitivity

度量空间||metric space; 又称“距离空间”。

度量密度||metric density

度量凸||metrically convex

度量线性空间||metric linear space

端点定理||extremal point theorem

端方向||extreme direction

端结点||end node

端射线||extreme ray

短正合[序]列||short exact sequence

短轴||minor axis

队列长度||queue length; 简称“队长”。

队列量||queue size

对边||opposite side

对策||game; 又称“博弈”。

对策的阶段||stage of game

对策的值||value of a game

对策论||game theory; 又称“博奕论”。


对策模型||gaming models

对策树||game tree

对策元素||game element

对称变换||symmetric transformation

对称差||symmetric difference

对称抽样方法||symmetry sampling technique

对称代数||symmetric algebra

对称点||symmetric point

对称对策||symmetric game

对称多项式||symmetric polynomial

对称多重线性映射||symmetric multilinear mapping

对称分布||symmetric distribution

对称格||symmetric lattice

对称核||symmetric kernel


对称矩阵||symmetric matrix

对称马尔可夫过程||symmetric Markov process

对称区组设计||symmetric block design

对称群||symmetric group

对称群的表示||representation of symmetric group

对称双曲[型]组||symmetric hyperbolic system

对称双曲[型]算子||symmetric hyperbolic operator

对称双线性型||symmetric bilinear form

对称算子||symmetric operator; 又称“埃尔米特算子(Hermitian operator)”。

对称图||symmetric graph

对称行列式||symmetric determinant


对称原理||symmetry principle; 解析开拓的一种方法 。

对称张量||symmetric tensor

对称中心||center of symmetry

对称轴||axis of symmetry

对顶角||opposite angles, vertical angles

对分法||bisection method, bisection technique

对分搜索||dichotomous search


对合代数||involutory algebra

对合对射变换||involutive correlation

对合环||involutive ring



对角化方法||diagonalization method

对角矩阵||diagonal matrix

对角态射||diagonal morphism


对角线方法||diagonal argument, diagonal method

对角优势||diagonal dominance

对径点||antipodal point

对立事件||complementary events

对偶[性]映射||duality mapping

对偶||dual; 指同一数域上两线性空间X,Y上的一双线性泛函〈X,Y〉(x∈X,y∈Y)

对偶[线性]映射||dual [linear] mapping

对偶阿贝尔簇||dual Abelian variety

对偶半群||dual semi-group

对偶变量||dual variable

对偶变数方法||antithetic variates method

对偶表示||dual representation

对偶丛||dual bundle

对偶代数||dual algebra

对偶单纯形法||dual simplex method

对偶地图||dual map

对偶定理||duality theorem

对偶对象||dual object

对偶范畴||dual category, cocategory, opposite category

对偶格||dual lattice

对偶规划||dual program

对偶函子||dual functor

对偶化层||dualizing sheaf

对偶基||dual basis

对偶间隙||duality gap

对偶解||dual solution

对偶空间||dual spaces; 又称“共轭空间 (conjugate spaces)”。; dual spaces; 又称“共轭空间 (conjugate spaces)”。 指具有对偶关系的两线性空间

对偶理论||duality theory

对偶链复形||dual chain complex

对偶模||dual module

对偶排队系统||dual queueing system

对偶区组设计||dual block design

对偶曲线||dual curve

对偶算子||dual operator

对偶同构||dual isomorphism

对偶同态||dual homomorphism

对偶同源||dual isogeny

对偶投影||dual projection

对偶线性规划||dual linear programming

对偶向量||dual vector


对偶原理||principle of duality; duality principle

对偶约束||dual constraint

对偶锥||dual cone



对数单位模型||logit model

对数导数||logarithmic derivative

对数的底||base of logarithm

对数的首数||characteristic of logarithm

对数的尾数||mantissa of logarithm

对数公钥*||logarithm public key system

对数函数||logarithmic function

对数核||logarithmic kernel

对数积分||logarithmic integral

对数容量||logarithmic capacity

对数位势||logarithmic potential

对数正态分布||logarithmic normal distribution


对象的积||product of objects

对象的余积||coproduct of objects


对应分析||correspondence analysis


对照分析||contrast analysis

钝角||obtuse angle

钝角三角形||obtuse triangle




多变量系统||multivariable system; 又称“多输入多输出系统(multi-input multi-output system,

多步法||multistep method

多参数过程||multi-parametric process

多层方法||multi-level method

多层格式||multi-level scheme

多次抽检||multiple sampling inspection

多代矩估计方法||multigeneration moment estimator method

多点帕德逼近||multipoint Padé approximation

多峰分布||multimodal distribution

多复变函数||function of several  complex variables

多级抽样||multistage sampling

多级控制||multilevel control

多级系统||multilevel system

多接入信道||multiple access channel

多阶段对策||multistage game

多阶段决策过程||multistage decision process; 又称“多级决策过程”。

多连通[的]||multiply connected

多连通[区]域||multiply connected domain

多路信道||multi-way channel

多面角||polyhedral angle


多面体对策||polyhedral game

多面体群||polyhedron group

多目标非线性规划||multiobjective non-linear programming

多目标分式规划||multiobjective fractional programming

多目标规划||multiple objective programming

多目标交互规划方法||multiobjective interactive programming method

多目标决策||multiple criteria decision making

多目标凸规划||multiobjective convex programming

多目标线性规划||multiobjective linear programming

多目标最优化||multiobjective optimization

多群蒙特卡罗方法||multigroup Monte Carlo method

多人对策||multi-person games

多数逻辑译码||majority logic decoding

多台服务系统||multi-server system

多体问题||many-body problem

多维复空间||complex space of several dimensions

多维系统||multidimensional system

多项分布||multinomial distribution


多项式逼近||polynomial approximation

多项式的次数||degree of a polynomial

多项式的容度||content of a polynomial

多项式对策||polynomial game

多项式方程||polynomial equation

多项式环||polynomial ring

多项式回归||polynomial regression

多项式加速[法]||polynomial acceleration

多项式矩阵系统||polynomial matrix system

多项式时间算法||polynomial-time algorithm

多项式伽罗瓦群||Galois group of polynomial

多信源||multiple source

多叶函数||multivalent function

多一可归约性||many one reducibility

多伊林正规形||Deuring normal form

多用户信道||multi-user channel

多用户信息论||multi-user information theory

多余信息||redundant information

多元[统计]分析||multivariate [statistical] analysis

多元插值||multivariate interpolation

多元超几何分布||multivariate hypergeometric distribution

多元多项式||polynomial in several indeterminates

多元方差分析||multivariate analysis of variance

多元函数||function of several variables

多元解析函数||analytic function of several variables

多元全纯函数||holomorphic function of several variables

多元时间序列||multivariate time series

多元线性模型||multivariate linear model

多元样本||multivariate sample

多元正态分布||multivariate normal distribution

多元总体||multivariate population


多值函数||multiple valued function, multivalued function

多值逻辑||multivalue logic, many-valued logic, multiple-value logic


多指标动态规划||multicriteria dynamic programming

多指标过程||multi-indexed process

多种类谓词演算||many sorted predicate calculus

多重比较||multiple comparison

多重尺度问题||multiple scale problem

多重次调和函数||plurisubharmonic function

多重打靶法||multiple shooting method

多重调和函数||pluriharmonic function

多重傅里叶级数||multiple Fourier series


多重积分||multiple integral

多重极限环||multiple limit-cycle

多重级数||multiple series

多重幂级数||multiple power series


多重数值积分||multiple numerical integration

多重特征||multiple characteristics


多重网格法||multi-grid method

多重线性代数||multilinear algebra

多重线性泛函||multilinear functional

多重线性算子||multilinear operator

多重线性型||multilinear form

多重线性映射||multilinear mapping

恶性码||catastrophic code

恩斯库格法||Enskog method

二班曲线||curve of the second class; 又称“线圆锥曲线(line conic)”。

二部图||bipartite graph

二次逼近法||quadratic approximation method

二次变换||quadratic transformation

二次插值||quadratic interpolation