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玩转 Apache Shenyu (神禹)源代码解析系列(3) - 从 Gateway 路由到后端服务的流程: Client如何向Admin发送注册数据(Client端详解)

最编程 2024-02-16 17:39:49

Client事件监听器监听本地的 Context 的刷新事件

当 Client (Spring 应用)依赖注入后,Spring 框架会刷新上下文 Context,这时,shenyu 自定义的一个监听 ContextRefreshedEvent 的监听器 SpringMvcClientEventListener (AbstractContextRefreshedEventListener 的子类)会触发 onApplicationEvent 方法。

  • AbstractContextRefreshedEventListener.onApplicationEvent()
public abstract class AbstractContextRefreshedEventListener<T, A extends Annotation> implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {
	// ...
    public void onApplicationEvent(@NonNull final ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
        context = event.getApplicationContext();
        // 1. 拿到 beans
        Map<String, T> beans = getBeans(context);
        if (MapUtils.isEmpty(beans)) {
        // 2. 原子地设置 registered 为 true
        if (!registered.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
        if (isDiscoveryLocalMode) {
            // 3. 如果是“本地发现”模式,发布用于注册 URI 的 DTO
            publisher.publishEvent(buildURIRegisterDTO(context, beans));
        // 4. 处理每个 bean,具体是发布 bean 的注册信息给 Disruptor 的 QueueConsumer
        // 5. apiModules 的 key 是 beanName,value 是 bean 的成员变量
        Map<String, Object> apiModules = context.getBeansWithAnnotation(ApiModule.class);
        // 6. 处理每个 apiModules,具体是发布 apiModules 的注册信息给 Disruptor 的 QueueConsumer
        apiModules.forEach((k, v) -> handleApiDoc(v, beans));
    protected void handle(final String beanName, final T bean) {
    	// ...
    private void handleApiDoc(final Object bean, final Map<String, T> beans) {
    	// ...

从 SpringMvcClientEventListener.getBeans() 拿到 Beans

  • SpringMvcClientEventListener.java
public class SpringMvcClientEventListener extends AbstractContextRefreshedEventListener<Object, ShenyuSpringMvcClient> {

	// ...
	private final ShenyuClientRegisterEventPublisher publisher = ShenyuClientRegisterEventPublisher.getInstance();
    protected Map<String, Object> getBeans(final ApplicationContext context) {
        // Filter out
        // isFull 这个 Boolean 值代表的是:是否代理整个服务,目前适用于 SpringMvc/SpringCould
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(isFull)) {
            // 在全代理模式下,发布一个事件,这个事件包含了服务的元数据,用于注册服务
                    .contextPath(getContextPath()) // 设置服务的上下文路径
                    .addPrefixed(addPrefixed) // 设置是否添加前缀
                    .appName(getAppName()) // 设置应用名称
                    .path(UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(PathUtils.decoratorPathWithSlash(getContextPath()) + EVERY_PATH).build().encode().toUriString())
                    // 设置服务的路径,这里使用了 UriComponentsBuilder 来构建URI,将上下文路径装饰后加上一个通配符,代表匹配所有路径
                    .rpcType(RpcTypeEnum.HTTP.getName()) // 设置远程调用类型为 HTTP
                    .enabled(true) // 设置服务为启用状态
                    .ruleName(getContextPath()) // 使用上下文路径作为规则名称
            LOG.info("init spring mvc client success with isFull mode");
            // 发布一个 URI 注册的事件,传入空的映射作为参数
            publisher.publishEvent(buildURIRegisterDTO(context, Collections.emptyMap()));
            return Collections.emptyMap();
        // shenyu-examples-http 用的不是全代理模式,因为 isFull 为 false,此时直接返回带 Controller 注解的 bean
        return context.getBeansWithAnnotation(Controller.class);

publisher.publishEvent(buildURIRegisterDTO(context, Collections.emptyMap())); 发布一个 URI 注册的事件,传入空的映射作为参数。

ShenyuClientRegisterEventPublisher 给 Client 端的 Disruptor 的 QueueConsumer 发布要向 Admin 注册的数据(是的,此时还没传给 Admin,还停留在 Client 端)
  • ShenyuClientRegisterEventPublisher.publishEvent() 调用 DisruptorProvider.onData() 传递数据
public class ShenyuClientRegisterEventPublisher {
    // ...
    private DisruptorProviderManage<DataTypeParent> providerManage;
    public void publishEvent(final DataTypeParent data) {
        DisruptorProvider<DataTypeParent> provider = providerManage.getProvider();
        // data 传给 Disruptor provider 
  • DisruptorProvider 传递给 RingBuffer.publishEvent(),最终将注册的信息发布给 Diruptor 的 QueueConsumer。

    ps: Disruptor是英国外汇交易公司LMAX开发的一个高性能队列,能够在无锁的情况下实现网络的Queue并发操作,基于Disruptor开发的系统单线程能支撑每秒600万订单。

public class DisruptorProvider<T> {
    // ...
    private final RingBuffer<DataEvent<T>> ringBuffer;
    private final boolean isOrderly;
    private final EventTranslatorOneArg<DataEvent<T>, T> translatorOneArg = (event, sequence, t) -> event.setData(t);
    // ...
    public void onData(final T data) {
        if (isOrderly) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The current provider is  of orderly type. Please use onOrderlyData() method.");
        try {
            // 由  ringBuffer 发布事件
            ringBuffer.publishEvent(translatorOneArg, data);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("ex", ex);
由 QueueConsumer.onEvent() 接收 RingBuffer.publishEvent() 发布的事件,并进行处理
  • 从 DisruptorProviderManage.startup 的源码中可以看到,在创建 Disruptor 时,线程池 OrderlyExecutor 被传进了 QueueConsumer,
public class DisruptorProviderManage<T> {
	// ...
    private final Integer consumerSize;
    private final QueueConsumerFactory<T> consumerFactory;
 	// ...
    public void startup(final boolean isOrderly) {
        // 创建一个定制的线程池,用于消费者
        OrderlyExecutor executor = new OrderlyExecutor(isOrderly, consumerSize, consumerSize, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
                new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(),
                DisruptorThreadFactory.create("shenyu_disruptor_consumer_", false), new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy());
        int newConsumerSize = this.consumerSize;
        EventFactory<DataEvent<T>> eventFactory;
        // 根据是否有序来调整消费者数量和选择事件工厂
        if (isOrderly) {
            // 有序模式下,消费者数量设为1,使用有序的事件工厂
            newConsumerSize = 1;
            eventFactory = new OrderlyDisruptorEventFactory<>();
        } else {
            // 无序模式下,使用默认的事件工厂
            eventFactory = new DisruptorEventFactory<>();
        // 创建Disruptor实例,配置其基本参数
        Disruptor<DataEvent<T>> disruptor = new Disruptor<>(eventFactory,
                DisruptorThreadFactory.create("shenyu_disruptor_provider_" + consumerFactory.fixName(), false),
                new BlockingWaitStrategy());
        // 创建消费者数组,根据newConsumerSize指定的大小
        QueueConsumer<T>[] consumers = new QueueConsumer[newConsumerSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < newConsumerSize; i++) {
            consumers[i] = new QueueConsumer<>(executor, consumerFactory);
        // 将消费者注册到Disruptor,使用工作池模式
        // 设置默认的异常处理器,这里选择忽略异常
        disruptor.setDefaultExceptionHandler(new IgnoreExceptionHandler());
        // 启动Disruptor
        // 获取Disruptor的环形缓冲区,用于发布事件
        RingBuffer<DataEvent<T>> ringBuffer = disruptor.getRingBuffer();
        // 创建并存储DisruptorProvider实例,用于向Disruptor发布事件
        provider = new DisruptorProvider<>(ringBuffer, disruptor, isOrderly);
  • 当接收到一个事件时,QueueConsumer 将任务交给线程池去处理事件,处理事件的 Runnable 接口由工厂 factory 产生。
public class QueueConsumer<T> implements WorkHandler<DataEvent<T>> {
	// ...
	private final QueueConsumerFactory<T> factory;
	// ...
    public void onEvent(final DataEvent<T> t) {
        if (Objects.nonNull(t)) {
            ThreadPoolExecutor executor = orderly(t);
            QueueConsumerExecutor<T> queueConsumerExecutor = factory.create();
            // help gc
  • QueueConsumerExecutor 在 Client 端的消费者执行器 RegisterClientConsumerExecutor
 * The type Consumer executor.
public final class RegisterClientConsumerExecutor<T extends DataTypeParent> extends QueueConsumerExecutor<T> {
    private final Map<DataType, ExecutorTypeSubscriber<T>> subscribers;
    private RegisterClientConsumerExecutor(final Map<DataType, ExecutorTypeSubscriber<T>> executorSubscriberMap) {
        this.subscribers = new EnumMap<>(executorSubscriberMap);

    // run 接口继承自 QueueConsumerExecutor,而 QueueConsumerExecutor 继承自 Runnable
    public void run() {
        final T data = getData();
       	// subscribers 拿到 ExecutorTypeSubscriber 去处理数据 data
     * The type Register client executor factory.
    public static class RegisterClientExecutorFactory<T extends DataTypeParent> extends AbstractQueueConsumerFactory<T> {
        public RegisterClientConsumerExecutor<T> create() {
            Map<DataType, ExecutorTypeSubscriber<T>> map = getSubscribers()
                    // 将 AbstractQueueConsumerFactory.getSubscribers()
                    // 接口返回的 ExecutorSubscriber<T> 转为 ExecutorTypeSubscriber<T>,
                    // 其带有 getType 接口
                    .map(e -> (ExecutorTypeSubscriber<T>) e)
                    .collect(Collectors.toMap(ExecutorTypeSubscriber::getType, e -> e));
            return new RegisterClientConsumerExecutor<>(map);

        public String fixName() {
            return "shenyu_register_client";

ExecutorTypeSubscriber 继承自 ExecutorSubscriber :

public interface ExecutorTypeSubscriber<T extends DataTypeParent> extends ExecutorSubscriber<T> {`

从下图的 ExecutorTypeSubscriber 接口的实现类可以看到,在 Client 端有 3 个 Subscriber

我们这个例子看的是URI,所以就以 ShenyuClientURIExecutorSubscriber 举例。

数据交由 ShenyuClientURIExecutorSubscriber 执行处理

  • ShenyuClientURIExecutorSubscriber.execute()
public class ShenyuClientURIExecutorSubscriber implements ExecutorTypeSubscriber<URIRegisterDTO> {
	// ...
    private final ShenyuClientRegisterRepository shenyuClientRegisterRepository;
    public void executor(final Collection<URIRegisterDTO> dataList) {
        for (URIRegisterDTO uriRegisterDTO : dataList) {
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
            while (true) {
                // 连得上就跳出死循环
                try (Socket ignored = new Socket(uriRegisterDTO.getHost(), uriRegisterDTO.getPort())) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    long sleepTime = 1000;
                    // maybe the port is delay exposed
                    if (stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS) > 5) {
                        LOG.error("host:{}, port:{} connection failed, will retry",
                                uriRegisterDTO.getHost(), uriRegisterDTO.getPort());
                        // If the connection fails for a long time, Increase sleep time
                        if (stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS) > 180) {
                            sleepTime = 10000;
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                        LOG.error("interrupted when sleep", ex);
            // 1. 延迟应用关闭时的其他钩子
            // 2. 给 Admin 端发送 DTO 注册信息
            // 3. 向应用添加一个钩子,使得在应用关闭时,应用自动开启一个新线程去注销注册信息
            ShutdownHookManager.get().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
                final URIRegisterDTO offlineDTO = new URIRegisterDTO();
                BeanUtils.copyProperties(uriRegisterDTO, offlineDTO);
                // 给 Admin 端发送下线 DTO
            }), 2);


  1. ShenyuClientShutdownHook.delayOtherHooks() 延迟应用关闭时的其他钩子
  2. ShenyuClientRegisterRepository.persistURI() 给 Admin 端发送 DTO 注册信息
  3. ShutdownHookManager.get().addShutdownHook() 向应用添加一个钩子,使得在应用关闭时,应用自动开启一个新线程去注销注册信息
  • ShenyuClientShutdownHook.delayOtherHooks()

    1. 利用 CAS 不加锁地确保并发时 TakeoverOtherHooksThread 线程只被运行一次
    2. 一个接管其他钩子的线程
public class ShenyuClientShutdownHook {
	// ...
	private static final AtomicBoolean DELAY = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    private static String hookNamePrefix = "ShenyuClientShutdownHook";

    private static AtomicInteger hookId = new AtomicInteger(0);

    private static Properties props;

    private static IdentityHashMap<Thread, Thread> delayHooks = new IdentityHashMap<>();

    private static IdentityHashMap<Thread, Thread> delayedHooks = new IdentityHashMap<>();
	// ....
     * Delay other shutdown hooks.
    public static void delayOtherHooks() {
    	// 1. 利用 CAS 不加锁地确保并发时 TakeoverOtherHooksThread 线程只被运行一次
        if (!DELAY.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
        // 2. 一个接管其他钩子的线程
        TakeoverOtherHooksThread thread = new TakeoverOtherHooksThread();

     * Delay other shutdown hooks thread.
    private static class TakeoverOtherHooksThread extends Thread {
        // 1. 该线程用于生成钩子,这些钩子用来延迟执行已经添加的钩子,为的是处理一些资源的关闭,和注册信息的注销
        public void run() {
            int shutdownWaitTime = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("shutdownWaitTime", "3000"));
            int delayOtherHooksExecTime = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("delayOtherHooksExecTime", "2000"));
            IdentityHashMap<Thread, Thread> hooks = null;
            try {
                // 2. 通过反射拿到应用关闭时的所有钩子
                Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(props.getProperty("applicationShutdownHooksClassName", "java.lang.ApplicationShutdownHooks"));
                Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(props.getProperty("applicationShutdownHooksFieldName", "hooks"));
                hooks = (IdentityHashMap<Thread, Thread>) field.get(clazz);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
                LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
            long s = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // 3. 限制处理钩子的时间在 delayOtherHooksExecTime 之内,为什么要控制时间,难道不会遗漏一些钩子无法延迟吗?
            // GPT:
            // 答:1. 避免死锁或长时间阻塞
            //    2. 可以确保这个延迟逻辑不会过度拖延应用的关闭过程
            //    3. 实用性考虑: 在大多数情况下,如果在给定的时间内无法连接到或修改某些钩子,可能是因为存在一些异常或特殊情况。
            //       在这种情况下,继续等待可能不会带来太多好处,而是增加了关闭过程的复杂性和不确定性。
            //    确实,这种方法可能会遗漏一些在延迟期间新注册的钩子,但这通常是一个权衡的结果,设计者可能认为这种情况很少发生,或者遗漏的风险相对较小。
            while (System.currentTimeMillis() - s < delayOtherHooksExecTime) {
                for (Iterator<Thread> iterator = Objects.requireNonNull(hooks).keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                    Thread hook = iterator.next();
                    // 4. 用于延迟执行原本钩子的钩子不必再延迟,所以跳过
                    if (hook.getName().startsWith(hookNamePrefix)) {
                    // 5. 正在处理的延迟的钩子和处理过的延迟的钩子不必再延迟,所以跳过
                    if (delayHooks.containsKey(hook) || delayedHooks.containsKey(hook)) {
                    Thread delayHook = new Thread(() -> {
                        LOG.info("sleep {}ms", shutdownWaitTime);
                        try {
                            // 6. 先睡眠 shutdownWaitTime,然后再执行原本的在应用关闭时的钩子
                        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                            LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
                    }, hook.getName());
                    delayHooks.put(delayHook, delayHook);
                    // 7. 从原本的钩子 map 中移除这个原本要执行的钩子,即 delayHook

                for (Iterator<Thread> iterator = delayHooks.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                    Thread delayHook = iterator.next();
                    // 8. 向运行时加入用来延迟执行原本钩子的钩子,即 delayedHooks
                    // 9. 加入已处理过的钩子 map,
                    delayedHooks.put(delayHook, delayHook);
                    LOG.info("hook {} will sleep {}ms when it start", delayHook.getName(), shutdownWaitTime);
                try {
                    // 10. 睡眠 100ms,目的是?
                    // GPT:
                    // 答:1. 减少CPU使用率
                    //    2. 给其他操作留出处理时间,通过在每次循环后短暂休眠,可以给其他线程运行的机会
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
            // 帮助 GC
            hookNamePrefix = null;
            hookId = new AtomicInteger(0);
            props = null;
            delayHooks = null;
            delayedHooks = null;
  • TakeoverOtherHooksThread.run()


    1. 该线程用于生成钩子,这些钩子用来延迟执行已经添加的钩子,为的是处理一些资源的关闭,和注册信息的注销
    2. 通过反射拿到应用关闭时的所有钩子
    3. 限制处理钩子的时间在 delayOtherHooksExecTime 之内,为什么要控制时间,难道不会遗漏一些钩子无法延迟吗?
      1. 避免死锁或长时间阻塞
      2. 可以确保这个延迟逻辑不会过度拖延应用的关闭过程
      3. 实用性考虑: 在大多数情况下,如果在给定的时间内无法连接到或修改某些钩子,可能是因为存在一些异常或特殊情况。 在这种情况下,继续等待可能不会带来太多好处,而是增加了关闭过程的复杂性和不确定性。确实,这种方法可能会遗漏一些在延迟期间新注册的钩子,但这通常是一个权衡的结果,设计者可能认为这种情况很少发生,或者遗漏的风险相对较小。
    4. 用于延迟执行原本钩子的钩子不必再延迟,所以跳过
    5. 正在处理的延迟的钩子和处理过的延迟的钩子不必再延迟,所以跳过
    6. 先睡眠 shutdownWaitTime,然后再执行原本的在应用关闭时的钩子
    7. 从原本的钩子 map 中移除这个原本要执行的钩子,即 delayHook
    8. 向运行时加入用来延迟执行原本钩子的钩子,即 delayedHooks
    9. 加入已处理过的钩子 map
    10. 睡眠 100ms,目的是?
      1. 减少CPU使用率
      2. 给其他操作留出处理时间,通过在每次循环后短暂休眠,可以给其他线程运行的机会
给 Admin 端发送 DTO 注册信息
  • ShenyuClientRegisterRepository.persistURI()

    ShenyuClientRegisterRepositoryFailbackRegistryRepositoryHttpClientRegisterRepository继承关系如下图 在这里插入图片描述

  • ShenyuClientRegisterRepository.persistURI()

 * Shenyu client register repository.
public interface ShenyuClientRegisterRepository {

     * Init.
     * @param config the config
    default void init(ShenyuRegisterCenterConfig config) {
     * Persist metadata.
     * @param metadata metadata
    void persistInterface(MetaDataRegisterDTO metadata);
     * Persist uri.
     * @param registerDTO the register dto
    default void persistURI(URIRegisterDTO registerDTO) {

     * Node active offline when shutdown.
     * @param offlineDTO the offline dto
    default void offline(URIRegisterDTO offlineDTO) {

     * persistApiDoc.
     * @param apiDocRegisterDTO apiDocRegisterDTO
    default void persistApiDoc(ApiDocRegisterDTO apiDocRegisterDTO) {
     * closeRepository.
     * If the close method is used, Spring will call it by default when the bean is destroyed,
     * So its method name is closeRepository to avoid being called by default when the bean is destroyed.
    default void closeRepository() {
  • FailbackRegistryRepository.persistURI()

    这里同样用到了模板方法,doPersistURI 交由子类 HttpClientRegisterRepository 实现

public abstract class FailbackRegistryRepository implements ShenyuClientRegisterRepository {
	// ... 
    public void persistURI(final URIRegisterDTO registerDTO) {
        try {
        	// 1. 同样是模板方法,交由子类 HttpClientRegisterRepository 实现
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            //If a failure occurs, it needs to be added to the retry list.
            logger.warn("Failed to persistURI {}, cause:{}", registerDTO, ex.getMessage());
  • HttpClientRegisterRepository.doPersistURI()

    1. 如果端口已被其他进程监听,则直接返回,不需要再注册
    2. 否则注册
public class HttpClientRegisterRepository extends FailbackRegistryRepository {
    // ...
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpClientRegisterRepository.class);

    private static URIRegisterDTO uriRegisterDTO;

    private static ApiDocRegisterDTO apiDocRegisterDTO;

    private String username;
    private String password;
    private List<String> serverList;
     * server -> accessToken.
    private LoadingCache<String, String> accessToken;
    // ...
    public void doPersistURI(final URIRegisterDTO registerDTO) {
        if (RuntimeUtils.listenByOther(registerDTO.getPort())) {
        	// 1. 如果端口已被其他进程监听,则直接返回,不需要再注册
        // 2. 否则注册
        doRegister(registerDTO, Constants.URI_PATH, Constants.URI);
        uriRegisterDTO = registerDTO;
    private <T> void doRegister(final T t, final String path, final String type) {
        int i = 0;
        for (String server : serverList) {
            String concat = server.concat(path);
            try {
                String accessToken = this.accessToken.get(server);
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(accessToken)) {
                    throw new NullPointerException("accessToken is null");
                // 1. 调用注册工具类进行注册
                RegisterUtils.doRegister(GsonUtils.getInstance().toJson(t), concat, type, accessToken);
                // considering the situation of multiple clusters, we should continue to execute here
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Register admin url :{} is fail, will retry. cause:{}", server, e.getMessage());
                if (i == serverList.size()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • HttpClientRegisterRepository.doRegister()

    1. 调用注册工具类进行注册(代码如上)
  • RegisterUtils.doRegister()

    1. 构建 http 的 heade
    2. 在此通过 http 调用 Admin 的服务进行注册,
      url 为 Admin 端的注册用的接口,有 localhost:9095/shenyu-client/register-metadata 等url;
      json 为要传输的注册信息
    3. OkHttpTools 是 shenyu 对 okhttp 外部组件的封装
public final class RegisterUtils {

	// ...
    public static void doRegister(final String json, final String url, final String type, final String accessToken) throws IOException {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(accessToken)) {
            LOGGER.error("{} client register error accessToken is null, please check the config : {} ", type, json);
        // 1. 构建 http 的 header
        Headers headers = new Headers.Builder().add(Constants.X_ACCESS_TOKEN, accessToken).build();
        // 2. 在此通过 http 调用 Admin 的服务进行注册,
        //    url 为 Admin 端的注册用的接口,有 localhost:9095/shenyu-client/register-metadata 等url;
        //    json 为要传输的注册信息
        // 3. OkHttpTools 是 shenyu 对 okhttp 外部组件的封装
        String result = OkHttpTools.getInstance().post(url, json, headers);
        if (Objects.equals(SUCCESS, result)) {
            LOGGER.info("{} client register success: {} ", type, json);
        } else {
            LOGGER.error("{} client register error: {} ", type, json);
  • ShutdownHookManager.addShutdownHook()

    1. 向运行时添加一个关机钩子,这个钩子是一个新线程,新线程去执行 ShutdownHookManager 管理的要在关机时执行的钩子
    2. 添加关闭应用时要执行的注销注册的钩子
public final class ShutdownHookManager {
	// ...
	private static final ShutdownHookManager MGR = new ShutdownHookManager();
    private final Set<HookEntry> hooks =
            Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<HookEntry>());	
    static {
    	// 1. 向运行时添加一个关机钩子,这个钩子是一个新线程,
    	// 新线程去执行 ShutdownHookManager  管理的要在关机的钩子
                new Thread(() -> {
                    for (Runnable hook : MGR.getShutdownHooksInOrder()) {
                        try {
                        } catch (Throwable ex) {
                            LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);

	// ...
    public void addShutdownHook(final Runnable shutdownHook, final int priority) {
        if (shutdownHook == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("shutdownHook cannot be NULL");
        if (shutdownInProgress.get()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress, cannot add a shutdownHook");
        // 2. 添加关闭应用时要执行的注销注册的钩子
        hooks.add(new HookEntry(shutdownHook, priority));