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2020ICPC EC-Final D. City Brain

最编程 2024-02-26 08:31:52

Prof. Pang works for the City Brain program of Capital Grancel. The road network of Grancel can be represented by an undirected graph. Initially, the speed limit on each road is 1 1 1m/s. Prof. Pang can increase the speed limit on a road by 1 1 1m/s with the cost of 1 1 1 dollar. Prof. Pang has k k k dollars. He can spend any nonnegative integral amount of money on each road. If the speed limit on some road is a a am/s, it takes 1 / a 1/a 1/a seconds for anyone to go through the road in either direction.

After Prof. Pang spent his money, Prof. Du starts to travel from city s 1 s_1 s1 to city t 1 t_1 t1 and Prof. Wo starts to travel from city s 2 s_2 s2 to city t 2 t_2 t2. Help Prof. Pang to spend his money wisely to minimize the sum of minimum time of Prof. Du’s travel and Prof. Wo’s travel. It is guaranteed that s 1 s_1 s1 and t 1 t_1 t1 are connected by at least one path and that s 2 s_2 s2 and t 2 t_2 t2 are connected by at least one path.


The first line contains three integers n n n, m m m, k k k ( 1 ≤ n ≤ 5000 1\le n \le 5000 1n5000, 0 ≤ m ≤ 5000 0\le m \le 5000 0m5000, 0 ≤ k ≤ 1 0 9 0\le k\le 10^9 0k109) separated by single spaces denoting the number of vertices, the number of edges in the graph and the number of dollars Prof. Pang has.

Each of the following m m m lines contains two integers a a a, b b b ( 1 ≤ a , b ≤ n , a ≠ b 1\le a, b\le n, a\neq b 1a,bn,a=b) separated by a single space denoting the two endpoints of one road. There can be multiple roads between the same pair of cities.

The following line contains four integers s 1 s_1 s1, t 1 t_1 t1, s 2 s_2 s2, t 2 t_2 t2 ( 1 ≤ s 1 , t 1 , s 2 , t 2 ≤ n 1\le s_1, t_1, s_2, t_2\le n 1s1,t1,s2,t2n) separated by single spaces denoting the starting vertices and ending vertices of Prof. Du and Prof. Wo’s travels.


Output one decimal in the only line – the minimum sum of Prof. Du’s travel time and Prof. Wo’s travel time. The answer will be considered correct if its absolute or relative error does not exceed 1 0 − 9 10^{-9} 109.



6 5 1
1 2
3 2
2 4
4 5
4 6
1 5 3 6



对于长度为 l l l 的路径,假设有 x x x 次机会修改,则根据贪心原则,修改要尽可能平均,此时通过该路径的用时为 x m o d    l ⌊ x l ⌋ + 2 + l − ( x m o d    l ) ⌊ x l ⌋ + 1 \frac{x\mod l}{\left \lfloor \frac{x}{l} \right \rfloor+2}+\frac{l-(x\mod l)}{\left \lfloor \frac{x}{l} \right \rfloor+1} lx+2xmodl+lx+1l(xmodl) ,这个可以 O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1) 计算。路径可以分为重复和不重复两部分,假设不重复部分分配 x x x 次修改,则重复部分分配 k − x k-x kx 次修改。感性理解一下:由于重复部分和不重复部分用时关于 x x x 的函数的导数均为减函数,因此总用时关于 x x x 的函数为单峰函数或单调函数,利用三分可以 O ( log ⁡ k ) O(\log k) O(logk) 时间求出最值。
对于路径,首先可以观察到图为稀疏图且边权相等,因此可以通过枚举起点 bfs O ( n 2 ) O(n^2) O(n2) 预处理出任意两点的最短路。之后 O ( n 2 ) O(n^2) O(n2) 枚举重复路径的起点和终点得到重复路径和不重复路径长度,然而直接三分 O ( n 2 log ⁡ k ) O(n^2\log k) O(n2logk) 会超时,因此先筛掉相同重复路径长度中不重复路径长度较大的方案,然后枚举重复路径长度就可以将复杂度降为 O ( n log ⁡ k ) O(n\log k) O(nlogk)
最终时间复杂度为 O ( n 2 + n log ⁡ k ) O(n^2+n\log k) O(n2+nlogk)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define get(l, x) ((l) ? (double((x) % (l)) / double((x) / (l) + 2) + double((l) - (x) % (l)) / double((x) / (l) + 1)) : 0)
#define f(l1, l2, x) (get(l1, x) + 2 * get(l2, k - (x)))
using namespace std;
const int N = 5005, INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
int head[N], ver[N << 1], Next[N << 1], tot;
int n, m, k, s1, t1, s2, t2, d[N][N], mn[N];
queue<int> q;

inline void add(int x, int y) {
    ver[++tot] = y;
    Next[tot] = head[x];
    head[x] = tot;

inline void bfs(int s) {
    memset(d[s] + 1, 0x3f, sizeof(int) * n);
    q.push(s), d[s][s] = 0;
    while (!q.empty()) {
        int x = q.front();
        for (int i = head[x]; i; i = Next[i]) {
            if (d[s][ver[i]] != INF) continue;
            d[s][ver[i]] = d[s][x] + 1, q.push(ver[i]);

inline double calc(int l1, int l2) {
    if (!l1 && !l2) return 0;
    if (!l2) return get(l1, k);
    if (!l1) return 2 * get(l2, k);
    int l = 0, r = k, lmid, rmid, ans;
    while (l <= r) {
        lmid = l + (r - l) / 3, rmid = r - (r - l) / 3;
        f(l1, l2, lmid) >= f(l1, l2, rmid) ? (l = lmid + 1, ans = rmid) : (r = rmid - 1);
    return f(l1, l2, ans);

int main() {
    scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &k);
    for (int i = 1, x, y; i <= m; i++) {
        scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
        add(x, y), add(y, x);
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) bfs(i);
    scanf("%d%d%d%d", &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2);
    memset(mn + 1, 0x3f, sizeof(int) * n);
    mn[0] = d[s1][t1] + d[s2

上一篇: BCI比赛数据集简介-BCI competition IV 2b

下一篇: 标题:关于JetBrains的登录失败问题 JetBrains Account connection error-摘要