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  • 001 8 Things woman look for in a man

001 8 Things woman look for in a man

Number 1, money. Of course we're going to put money first on this list, otherwise we'd never hear the end of it from you guys. but money represents more than stacks of paper with dead people on it. women look for how much a man earns in order to quantify the level of respect society is offering him. yep, this is the world we live in. money is a measurement of success and everybody wants to be with someone who's successful. but men judge other men by this as well, so get off your high horse. when someone asks you what you do for a living, they're usually trying to determine if you're above or below them on an economic scale. something we want to make clear from the very start, money only impresses lazy girls. when a woman works hard herself, a man with money is just a bonus, not a ladder to an upgrade. if all your partner looks for in you is money, you're bound to have an unhappy life.

Number 2, social status. for most women, this is even more valuable than money, social status is something that's been with us from the early days and it's being genetically embedded within us. in the animal kingdom, the alpha male gets to mate with all the females because they are genetically programmed to procreate and carry the genes of the most capable specimen, this still is the case in many Arab countries where a man can have multiple wives. polygamy is not as uncommon as you think, it is around the world. social status grants a person respect of the people who are under them in the hierarchy.// 10% of the men have access to 90% of the dating pool. everybody else is just trying to figure it out for themselves the way our society has been put together and the things we use most commonly to differentiate each other are still to this day. Money and social status that's what these 10% of men usually have.

Number 3, charisma. charisma is something different, most men think they have it but very few actually do. it's more of a chemical imbalance in the brain that drives people to be charismatic. charisma or charm is the combination of physical hormonal attraction and excitement generated by someone's way of being.// the first part is about pheromones only 10% of the male population secretes an abundant amount of the pheromone, and these men are considered naturally sexy. Combine that with manners and attention to detail, and you've got yourself the perfect package. these people can almost get away with anything because they're so damn charming, if you've noticed something special in men like James Dean, Gerard Butler, Tom Hardy or George Clooney. It's not only because of their attractive traits, it's about how they carry themselves.

Number 4, confidence. women want someone who can take initiative who trusts his abilities, if you don't believe in yourself how do you expect others to do it. confidence is one of the most attractive traits in a partner. this state is usually generated by a track record of successful performances. it's a lot easier to look confident about public speaking when it's your twentieth talk on the topic and the previous ones were received successfully. A confident man is someone who knows successes within his reach, it's easy to lack it when you've never done anything like this. if you're tired of looking down on yourself, if you're not happy with the way things are going for you or where your life is going. it might be time to slap yourself back to reality. if you don't change your life will only get worse, you need to build yourself up from the ground if you're going to become the man or woman who's going to escape this trap, you've built yourself into.// on the topic of becoming confident.||| Facing your reality and overcoming the hardships of life. we recommend a phenom book by David Goggins podcaster and fellow youtuber Joe Rogan introduced us to his story and we've been hooked on it since his story literally goes from a nobody, a loser to a person who he himself is proud of and now inspiring millions to do the same, this book is one of the best reads we've had in the last 12 months.

Number 5, a shared sense of humor. laughter brings people together,/** so does shared interest and shared hate for that matter, but we'll focus on the humor part for now./ so why is this important,/ well the more she laughs the less she looks at your face, just kidding.**/ it's because laughter releases endorphins in your brain, relieving stress and makes someone feel comfortable and safe around you. Being funny is actually a sign of intellect, not just anybody can be funny and not everybody finds the same things hilarious that's why it's such an amazing thing when you simply click with someone, when you're thinking the same thing and you get each other's jokes.

Number 6, someone who can protect or take care of them. there's an internal need for shelter and security. everybody wants in their lives, it's actually the second level in Maslow spirit of needs, ranking just above food water and warmth. this doesn't necessarily mean a partner that can fight an entire army for her, although physical protection is a dominating factor of differentiation between men, but more so, somebody who will be there to hold her hand and walk alongside her through life's difficulties, the underlying need is to feel safe when she's being held in your arms, it should feel like home.

Number 7, someone who's gonna stand up for her. this is another big thing, it doesn't mean getting your ass whooped, just because your girl has a loud mouth and can't hold her liquor, No, it means that you're in this together. you've got her back and she's got yours, you're a team. partners a squad of two never allow anybody to disrespect the people you love and care about. Not because of personal pride, but because this is your internal metric for how much you value the relationship. real men don't need to fight anyone to communicate his value. Stand up for her because it's the right thing to do, not because you want to put on a show.

Number 8, someone who can build her up. we're all looking for partners that make us stronger, who helped us evolve become a better version of ourselves, your relationship must help you grow, not necessarily change, but develop the positives and remove the negatives . most women look for a man who encourages her to pursue her dreams. who's there to help her up when she falls down, and who's not threatened by her potential success. we are sculpting each other through our relationships, and it's important for the other person to have both the skills and the desire to turn marble into the Piazza. in return she will do the same for you.
